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SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING STUDY AREA INFORMATION <br />SSS§ 1.1. The Google Aerial photo illustrates the subject property. Land use to the immediate <br />north, south, east and west is open land, the town of French Camp, sparse rural residential, and <br />commercial/industrial properties. The surrounding rural residential units are all on onsite wastewater <br />treatment systems and domestic wells. <br />SSS§ 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 6.8. Permit applications within the one-half mile radius study <br />area from the property were reviewed for repairs/replacements/additions to existing septic systems. <br />Three permits primarily for repair of leachlines were found. This can be considered a typical number <br />of permits within a study area, particularly since rural residential units are sparse. Considering the <br />increasing permeability with increasing depth, OWTS in this locale should have comparatively long <br />life spans. <br />SOIL PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND ANALYTICAL TEST RESULTS <br />The UC Davis Soil Web indicates the future effluent disposal area soils consist of Veritas fine sandy <br />loam (#266), with 4% Tinnin soils. <br />SSS§ 5.2, NLS§ 1.1, 1.2. The surface and subsurface soil investigation began on December 29, 2021. <br />A Mobile Drill Rig was used to drill down to 20 ft below grade, one ft immediately adjacent to the east <br />end of the sump effluent disposal structure. Soil samples were retrieved that unquestionably are being <br />influenced by septic effluent. The sump structure is 48 ft L x 15 ft W x 7.5 ft D. Soil samples were <br />obtained from the 5 ft, 10 ft, 15 ft and 20 ft depths using a split-spoon sampler. Consequently, precise <br />soil sample depths were sampled. <br />The attached A&L Laboratory Soil Analysis Report in Appendix B illustrates the chemical analyses of <br />the soil samples quantifying several constituents that influence nitrate loading for this project. The <br />primary parameters for nitrate loading assessment are the organic matter, clay content, pH, cation <br />exchange capacity (CEC), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), and the nitrate-nitrogen fractions of the soil. <br />The organic matter in the samples is low, which is typical for San Joaquin Valley soils. The 5ft depth <br />possesses 6% clay content, increases substantially to 22% and 46% in the 10 ft and 15 ft depths, <br />respectively, and then decreases to 20% at the 20 ft depth. The pH of the soil is alkaline and may be <br />causing a decrease in Nitrobactor activity, thus inhibiting the second step of the nitrification process. <br />The TKN concentration increases 175% from the 5 ft to the 15 ft depth, but decreases 44% from the <br />15 ft to 20 ft depths. The nitrate-nitrogen concentrations reveal a concentration of 4 ppm at the 5 ft <br />depth, and then decreasing to 1 ppm at the remaining three sampled depths; a 75% reduction. This <br />75% decrease indicates the denitrification potential that will be used in the nitrate loading <br />calculations and can be attributed to sufficient organic matter, increasing clay content, and saturated <br />subsurface soil conditions. <br />NLS§ 3.3, SSS§ 5.3, 5.4. Table 1 below summarizes the analyzed soil physical and chemical <br />characteristics from the retrieved soil samples: <br />Page -2- <br />Chesney Consulting