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CGRS <br />SOLUTIONS DELIVERED <br />July 27, 2021 <br />0 <br />iota <br />ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION <br />Subject: Work Plan for IOTA v0051 and iotaVision'" Pre and Final ELD Testing Services <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />CGRS is pleased to present you with this work plan for pre and final enhanced leak detection (ELD) testing services for your <br />project at 4600 S. Corral Hallow Rd., Tracy, CA 95377. CGRS will utilize the iota VaporTite V005 and iotaVision'm L005 <br />(LG 113) to perform the final ELD post installation test as required by the State of California. These test methods have been <br />evaluated by the California State Water Resource Control Board and determined to meet the performance <br />requirements for post installation ELD testing (see LG 162-3 attached). <br />O Pre Testing will be performed on the primary containment portion of the fueling system with the IOTA test method <br />while the tank top and product, vent and vapor piping is exposed, prior to backfilling. Any problems encountered <br />during the pre -testing will be addressed by the installation contractor and retested by CGRS the testing crew. <br />O Final ELD testing will be performed on all primary fuel containment system components once the fueling system <br />has been completed (everything below grade surface) backfilled, concrete poured, and the system is essentially <br />ready to receive fuel. This will provide the installation contractor, general contractor, design engineer, site owner <br />and operator with third party certification that the system is "vapor tight" before it ever receives fuel. <br />O Final testing with iotaVisionT" will be performed on all brine filled underground storage tanks and their <br />compartments thus ensuring that brine is not observed in the primary containment. <br />CGRS holds a current California Contractors License with a Hazardous Materials endorsement. All final ELD testing will be <br />performed by a certified IOTA technician holding a current California Tank Tester license. <br />If you have any questions regarding any aspect of this work plan, please don't hesitate to contact me at 1-800-288-2657. <br />Sincerely, <br />I- -_7 <br />Chris Murphy <br />Director of CA Operations <br />CGRS, Inc. <br />