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Mary Walters said she has lived on the property alone for five years <br /> and there have been some very frightening experiences there. She <br /> wants to keep her home but she cannot stay there if she does not have <br /> a close neighbor . <br /> OPPONENTS: Staff noted that a letter had been received from Joe <br /> Marchesotti in opposition to another residential homesite in a farming <br /> area. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED <br /> Chairman Bozzano commented that this is a reasonable request but there <br /> is a question of whether or not it meets the owner/operator section of <br /> the ordinance. <br /> Comm. Gillispie commented that this seems to be a request for a <br /> variance to something that is written and fairly well interpreted. He <br /> said he could not support this request. <br /> Comm. Morri said he viewed the property and understood the security <br /> problem. However, he said he did not see how the Commission could <br /> approve this request. <br /> Comm. Jungeblut commented that if there was some proof that Mary <br /> Walters was paying agricultural bills he could find that she was an <br /> owner/operator . <br /> Comm. Rojas said he did not agree with Comm. Jungeblut ' s statement. <br /> Comm. Morri said the property is not being farmed. <br /> Comm. Gillispie commented that Ms. Walters also pays the taxes on the <br /> property but that does not make her an operator. <br /> Comm. Morri suggested that the applicant plant pumpkins on the pro- <br /> perty to qualify as an owner/operator. <br /> MOTION: Moved, seconded (Morri-Rojas ) and carried by a vote of 5-0 to <br /> deny the project without prejudice. Comms . Carter and Gabbard absent. <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> PC: 10/6/88 -4- MINUTES <br />