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preference of landfilling as the only environmentally feasible and <br />safe alternative (Höglund et al., 2007; Jani and Hogland, 2014). <br />However, recent studies have shown the potential to extract these <br />elements from such glass waste with high efficiency, both as a <br />decontamination measure and as future secondary raw materials <br />(Jani and Hogland, 2017, 2018). Since valorisation processes of <br />waste to secondary raw materials have specific quality demands <br />and limits for non-glass materials (Beerkens et al., 2010), obtaining <br />a ‘clean’ glass waste is important. This is a big challenge because <br />during the on-going remedial excavations of some of the sites in <br />the region, glass gets mixed with other waste fractions, further <br />presenting sorting challenges (Mutafela et al., 2018). It is hereby <br />hypothesized that in some dump sections there exist regions of <br />‘clean’ glass (with little or no other material fractions mixed). It <br />is further hypothesized that it could be possible to identify these <br />glass ‘hotspots’ prior to excavations, which could be carefully exca- <br />vated to avoid mixing of this glass with the other materials, thus <br />obtain a more homogeneous glass fraction for metal extraction <br />processes. <br />Geophysical methods could contribute to such an investigation, <br />as they are known for their usefulness in locating subsurface fea- <br />tures like buried wastes, whose volumes can later be estimated <br />(Bernstone et al., 2000). They have been used in landfill investiga- <br />tion procedures (such as drilling of boreholes for groundwater <br />monitoring) as a pre-investigation technique aimed at providing <br />valuable information about waste locations, which helps in drilling <br />grid designs and thus aid to rationalize drilling costs (Zarroca et al., <br />2015; Dumont et al., 2017). Electrical Resistivity Tomography <br />(ERT) in particular can investigate shallow subsurface electrical <br />structures in various environments. Thus based on resistivity dif- <br />ferences among dumped materials, glass hotspots can potentially <br />be identified and quantified faster, cheaper and without well- <br />drilling or trench-digging, using such a non-destructive method <br />(Hsu, et al., 2010). Previously, the method has been successfully <br />conducted in various landfill and waste dump studies (Bernstone <br />et al., 2000; Pomposiello et al., 2012; Çınar et al., 2015; <br />Abdulrahman et al., 2016; Dumont et al., 2017), although no such <br />study in a glass waste dump is documented. The success of the <br />method in old glass dumps would potentially result in well- <br />coordinated excavation activities and obtaining of more homoge- <br />neous glass waste for metal extraction and other recycling <br />processes. <br />This study, therefore, aimed to investigate the potential for ERT <br />to map glass hotspots for future metal recovery. The investigation <br />was coupled with digging of verification test pits (TPs) to identify <br />materials registering different resistivities. The study also aimed <br />at characterising physico-chemical properties of the excavated <br />hotspot materials, since waste management and resource recovery <br />cannot be planned and implemented well in the absence of accu- <br />rate and reliable waste composition data (Edjabou et al., 2015). <br />2. Materials and methods <br />2.1. Study sites <br />The study was conducted at Alsterfors glass factory dumpsite <br />and Madesjö glass waste dump, both located in south-eastern Swe- <br />den as shown in Fig. 1. <br />2.1.1. Madesjö glass waste dump <br />This dump is located in Nybro Municipality in a moraine region <br />with granite bedrock and a shallow soil depth estimated at 3–5 m <br />(SGU, 2019). Open dumping at the site started with municipal solid <br />waste (MSW) in 1960 until 1969 when mostly crushed glass with <br />some demolition waste from Orrefors glass factory began to be <br />Fig. 1.Alsterfors and Madesjö glass dumps in south-eastern Sweden (Map data 2020 Google). <br />214 R.N. Mutafela et al./Waste Management 106 (2020) 213–225