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San Joaquin County Record Center - 4 - 6 May 2022 <br />630 North California Street <br />Stockton, San Joaquin County <br />hydrocarbons were not detected in shallow soil during the July 2019 shallow soil <br />investigation and benzene concentrations in groundwater are less than 100 ug/L. <br />Current Site conditions meet screening levels outlined in Appendix 3, Scenarios 3a of <br />the LTCP. <br />GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS <br />Soil beneath the Site consists primarily of lean clay from ground surface to <br />approximately 25 ft bgs, poorly graded sand from approximately 25 to 35 ft bgs, and <br />lean clay from approximately 35 to 41 ft bgs. Depth to groundwater beneath the Site in <br />well MW-1 ranged from 18.34 to 29.77 feet below top of casing. The southern adjacent <br />property (602 North California Street) is the location of the Stallworth Auto Detail <br />environmental case. The groundwater gradient directions measured at the Stallworth <br />Auto case have historically been northeasterly to easterly. <br />Petroleum constituent remaining in groundwater beneath the Site consist of 4,900 ug/L <br />TPH-G, 1,700 ug/L TPH-D, 1.5 ug/L benzene, 32 ug/L toluene, 160 ug/L ethylbenzene, <br />750 ug/L total xylenes, and 180 ug/L naphthalene. Stable to decreasing petroleum <br />hydrocarbon concentrations have been observed in the Site well. Active remediation <br />was not performed at the Site. On 4 June 2021, Condor destroyed the one monitoring well, <br />MW-1. <br />LOW-THREAT UST CLOSURE POLICY EVALUATION <br />Condor concluded that the Site meets the criteria necessary for closure as outlined in <br />the LTCP. Central Valley Water Board staff concurs with this conclusion, as discussed <br />in the following: <br />General Criteria - This Site meets the eight General Criteria for closure as outlined <br />in the LTCP. <br />Media Specific Criteria - This Site meets the three Media Specific Criteria as <br />outlined in items 1 through 3 below for case closure under the LTCP. <br />Groundwater - Condor concluded that the Site's residual petroleum plume in <br />groundwater is adequately defined, and that the petroleum hydrocarbon <br />groundwater plume is stable to shrinking. Condor reported that the closest water <br />supply well is an inactive well located approximately 1,730 feet east from the Site <br />property and that the closest surface water body is McCleod Lake approximately <br />2,450 feet southwest of the Site property. Condor estimated that the <br />groundwater plume that exceeds water quality objectives is less than 100 feet in <br />length. Based on a stable to shrinking plume, an estimated petroleum <br />hydrocarbon plume length of less than 100 feet, and the distance to the closest <br />water supply well and surface water, the Site meets Groundwater-Specific <br />Criteria Class (1) of the LTCP. <br />Petroleum Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air — Condor concluded that the Site <br />meets Petroleum Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Criteria Class 3. Petroleum