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The property is bound to the north by a residential subdivision on public well service; to the east by a <br />walnut orchard; to the west is a mobile home park; and to the south are rural residential structures. <br />SSS§ 2.1. The surrounding land use of residential structures on septic systems and adjacent <br />agricultural land use which has been in production for many decades, may have contributed to the <br />potential of creating a nitrate problem. Surrounding land use is evidenced by the aerial Google/Soil <br />Map photo in Appendix C. <br />B. SOIL PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS <br />NLS §1.0,1.1. To analyze the subsurface soils, samples were retrieved from proposed Parcel 1 <br />and proposed Parcel 3, since these Parcels are on either side of the property. Soil samples were <br />retrieved with a truck -mounted drill rig, which were then converted to the deep perc test borings. <br />Samples were obtained from the depths referenced in Table 1 below. <br />NLS§ 3.3. The soil samples were submitted to A & L Western Agricultural Laboratories for <br />analytical testing under the attached Chain of Custody, found in Appendix C. As noted, several <br />constituents were analyzed. The main constituents tested relating to nitrate loading include the <br />organic matter content, pH, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and the nitrate -nitrogen content. <br />The constituents listed above also contribute to the denitrification capacity of the underlying soil, <br />which from the test results, appears to be significant since nitrate -nitrogen concentration is low at <br />every tested depth. Denitrification capacity is predominately dependant upon: 1.) Abundance of <br />an organic carbon substrate, 2.) High soil moisture content leading to an anaerobic environment, <br />and 3.) High soil pH (alkaline). Considering the property has been farmed for the past several <br />decades and was recently farmed in wheat straw, concentrations would be expected to be higher. <br />To grow this last wheat crop, an approximate application of 150 units (lbs/acre) of nitrogen must <br />have been applied. The organic matter content of the subsurface soils are of a low percentage <br />which was to be expected; however, the pH is alkaline for all of the soil samples. <br />Nitrogen in septic tank effluent consists of approximately 75% N in the ammonium ion (NH4') <br />form and 25% N in the organic form. If the ammonium ion is bound and eventually utilized by <br />microorganisms, nitrification is impeded. The Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) can have <br />significant influence on ammonium. The CEC measures the ability of the soil to theoretically <br />trap, hold and convert ammonium molecules. Soil profiles from both borings have a medium -to - <br />high CEC, which should increase the retention of ammonium molecules for microbial uptake and <br />suppression of nitrification. <br />SSS§ 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, NLS §1.2. In addition to the analytical chemistry completed on the soil <br />samples, Particle Size Analysis (Soil Texture) was also completed. The soils have been classified <br />by the United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA- <br />NRCS) classification (e.g., silt loam, etc.). The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS - e.g., <br />lean clay, silty clay CL-ML/CL) has been used on each of the EHD Percolation Test Rate Field <br />Forms to identify the soil as encountered in the exploratory/percolation test borings. <br />-2- <br />Chesney Considtina <br />