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Mr. Robert McClellon <br />September 22, 2004 <br />Page 6 of 11 <br />The debris in these areas will be consolidated using an International E295 scraper, a Caterpiller <br />977C bulldozer, and a Caterpiller 613 scraper. All equipment will be operated by trained heavy <br />equipment operators. <br />Based upon the analytical results of soil and groundwater samples collected at the site in July <br />2004, the soil at the site should not be considered a designated waste and a Title 27 prescriptive <br />landfill cover, therefore, is not warranted. Mr. Palomino proposes to install an alternative cover <br />design that would essentially meet the performance requirements of Title 27, Sections 21090(a) <br />and 21140(b). The proposed cover design consists of the following: <br />12 -inch layer of intermediate cover foundation; <br />24 -inch layer of compacted support; <br />6 -inch layer of crushed rock and/or asphaltic concrete. <br />The intermediate cover foundation will be placed in a single 12 -inch lift and compacted to >90% <br />of maximum dry weight based on ASTM D698. After placement of the intermediate cover, the <br />compacted support layer will be spread in 12 -inch loose lifts, compacted to >90% of maxiumum <br />dry weight based on ASTM D 698, dry of optimum moisture content. The surface cover shall <br />consist of 6 inches of self -compacting crushed rock and/or asphaltic concrete. The engineered <br />landfill cap will be constructed under the direct supervision of Delamare & Fulz Engineering of <br />Modesto, California. <br />3.4 Site Drainage and Erosion Control <br />Pursuant to Title 27 requirements, the final drainage plan will be designed, graded, and <br />maintained to prevent ponding and to prevent soil erosion due to high run-off velocities. The <br />drainage and erosion control plan will be submitted under separate cover by Delamare & Fulz <br />Engineering. <br />3.5 Earthmoving Along Railroad <br />No debris has been identified within 50 feet of the railroad track that parallels the western <br />property boundary. However, a small amount of mounded debris at the base of the railroad berm <br />in the southwest corner of the property (near excavation pit T26) will require excavation. <br />Delamare & Fulz Engineering has determined that the removal of this debris will not threaten the <br />integrity of the berm. In addition to the debris located at the southwest corner of the property, <br />several areas of the berm were used by previous owner(s) as a soil borrow area. Mr. Palomino <br />will place native soil in these borrow areas, as well as in the southeast corner of the property after <br />the debris is removed from that location, in order to restore the berm to its previous state. <br />G:\GROUNDZE\Palomino\wp_sitemitfinal.doc <br />