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28 September 2022 <br />Project No. 22-6994 <br />Page 8 of 15 <br />AdvantedGeo <br />An Employee- Owned <br />iCompany <br />material, two inches of fine gravel was added to the bottom of the borehole and a two- <br />inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing with 0.020 -inch slots was installed in the <br />borehole to perform the test. Gravel was added to the annulus of the borehole, between <br />the borehole and the casing. The borehole was then filled with water to a depth of <br />12 inches above the gravel at the time of 08.40. The test hole was then covered for <br />24 hours to allow for complete saturation of the borehole. <br />On 26 September 2022, one boring was advanced for a deep percolation test. The boring <br />was advanced using a four -inch diameter hand auger to a depth of 118 inches bsg. <br />Following borehole advancement, the sides of the boring were scraped, and loose <br />material was removed from the borehole. Once the borehole was cleared of loose <br />material, two inches of fine gravel was added to the bottom of the borehole and a two- <br />inch diameter PVC casing with 0.020 -inch slots was installed in the borehole to perform <br />the test. Gravel was added to the annulus of the borehole, between the borehole and the <br />casing. The borehole was then filled with water to a depth of 12 inches above the gravel <br />at the time of 08.50. The test hole was then covered for 24 hours to allow for complete <br />saturation of the borehole. <br />6.3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PERCOLATION TEST HOLE - POST SOAK <br />On 15 September 2022, the shallow boring (P-1) was found intact, in good condition, and <br />with approximately two inches of water remaining in the borehole. <br />On 27 September 2022, the deep boring (P-2) was found dry, intact, and in good <br />condition. <br />6.4. PERCOLATION TEST CONFORMED TO SJC POLICY EHD 98-02 <br />The work was performed in accordance with San Joaquin County Division 11 <br />Section 9-1105.2 (d) General Requirements. <br />On 15 September 2022, Percolation test Procedure #2 was performed at P-1 by adding <br />water to approximately six inches above the gravel and recording the amount of water <br />remaining in the borehole after a 30 -minute interval. Additional water was added to the <br />boring after each 30 -minute interval as required. The water level was measured from a <br />fixed reference point at the top of the casing using a Solinst water level meter. The final <br />measurements were observed by the EHD inspector. <br />On 27 September 2022, Percolation test Procedure #2 was initially performed at P-2 by <br />adding water to approximately six inches above the gravel and recording the amount of <br />water remaining in the borehole after a 30 -minute interval. However, after 30 minutes the <br />borehole was dry. Therefore, percolation test procedure #3 was performed by adding <br />water to approximately six inches above the gravel and recording the amount of water <br />remaining in the borehole at 10 -minute intervals for 1.5 hours. Additional water was added <br />