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28 September 2022 <br />Project No. 22-6994 <br />Page 9 of 15 <br />AdvancedGeo <br />An Employee Owned Company <br />to the boring after each 10 -minute interval as required. The water level was measured <br />from a fixed reference point at the top of the casing using a Solinst water level meter. The <br />final measurements were observed by the EHD inspector. <br />Based on the final measurements collected, the percolation rate for the parcel was <br />calculated. The Percolation Test Rate Field Sheet is provided in Appendix D. <br />6.5. COMPLETED PERCOLATION TEST FORM <br />After completion of the test, the EHD inspector reviewed the field data and signed the <br />required EHD Percolation Test Rate form. Field measurements recorded during the test <br />are included on the Percolation Test Rate Field Sheet provided in Appendix D. <br />6.6. POTENTIAL PROBLEMS PREDICTED <br />On site soils within P-1 demonstrated a less than satisfactory percolation rate; on site <br />soils within P-2 demonstrated an adequate percolation rate. Additionally, the existing <br />septic system has been operating properly. <br />6.7. PERCOLATION TEST FINDINGS <br />The shallow percolation test (P-1) performed provided an unsatisfactory percolation test <br />rate of 250 minutes per inch. The percolation rate of 250 minutes per inch was calculated <br />from data collected during the four-hour percolation test; the final reading over the four- <br />hour period was used to calculate the percolation rate. <br />The deep percolation test (P-2) performed provided a satisfactory percolation test rate of <br />3.33 minutes per inch. The percolation rate of 3.33 minutes per inch was calculated from <br />data collected during the 1.5 -hour percolation test; the final reading over the 1.5 -hour <br />period was used to calculate the percolation rate. <br />The use of the existing and proposed septic systems should follow the San Joaquin <br />County On-site Wastewater Treatment Standards. <br />7.0. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL <br />Soil chemical properties were supplied by regionally sourced material for the <br />surrounding area. <br />7.1. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SITE SOILS <br />The dominant soil composition in the general area of the property was inferred from <br />