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11 September 2020 <br />AGE Project No. 20-6107 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Advanced <br />Environmental <br />.'.N �y <br />Underground Service Alert. The EHD will be contacted at least 48 hours prior to <br />conducting investigation activities to arrange for inspection. <br />2.2. SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING <br />Soil borings B1, B2 and B5 will be advanced to total depths between 10 and 15 feet bsg <br />(based on the depth to first encountered groundwater) for collection of soil and grab <br />groundwater samples; borings B3 and B4 will be advanced to a total depth of five feet <br />bsg for collection of soil samples. <br />Borings B1, B2 and B5 will be advanced utilizing a direct push drilling rig. During boring <br />advancement discrete soil samples will be collected at five-foot intervals at 5, 10 and 15 <br />feet bsg; the initial five-foot sample will be hand packed from the hand auger during utility <br />clearance, while the remainder of the borings will be advanced using a direct push drilling <br />rig. A soil sample will be collected from borings B3 and B4 at five feet bsg by hand packing <br />soil samples from the hand auger. <br />Procedures for advancement of soil borings and soil/groundwater sampling are presented <br />in Section 3.0. <br />2.3. SOIL AND GROUNDWATER LABORATORY ANALYSIS <br />Selected soil and groundwater samples will be analyzed by a California Environmental <br />Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)-certified laboratory for the following <br />constituents: <br />Total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as diesel in accordance with EPA Method <br />8015M. <br />Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including fuel oxygenated compounds <br />(MTBE, DIPE, TAME, ETBE and TBA), naphthalene, ethylene dibromide (EDB) <br />and 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) in accordance with EPA Method 82608. <br />Laboratory reports for all analyses, testing methods, laboratory quality assurance/quality <br />control (QA/QC) reports, and sample chain -of -custody documentation will be presented <br />in a report with the findings and recommendations. <br />2.4. SOIL -VAPOR SAMPLING AND SAMPLING <br />To evaluate vapor intrusion risk to the site paint building a total of two (2) borings will be <br />advanced to a total depth of 5 feet bsg. Semi-permanent soil -vapor sampling wells will be <br />installed and sampled following a minimum two-hour stabilization period. Procedures for <br />