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St. c e1. h's Medical C enter <br />A iraen,iuo ACHNN, <br />St Joseph's Medical Center and its associated services are committed to providing a healthy and <br />safe environment for our patients, visitors and staff. This plan describes a comprehensive, <br />organizational -wide Hazardous Materials and Waste Management program which ensures that the <br />procurement, handling, use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials is managed in a safe <br />and environmentally responsible manner conforming with all applicable laws. <br />The Hazardous Materials and Waste Management plan and associated policies and procedures <br />have been developed and integrated by the EC/Safety Committee through a multi -disciplinary <br />approach that includes functional areas such as Infection Control, Employee Health, Risk <br />Management, Administration, Plant Operations, Materials Management, Emergency Department <br />and representation from several other key departments. <br />SCOPE & APPLICATION <br />This plan applies to all activities, processes, and departments involved in the selection, <br />procurement, handling, use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials and wastes, in <br />accordance with applicable laws and regulations and internal policies. Responsibility begins with <br />the receipt of the material and continues through its use, and ultimately to the final disposal (cradle <br />to grave). Hazardous Materials covered in this plan and its associated Hazardous Materials <br />Communications Policy (HR Policy) includes hazardous substances, chemical products, <br />compressed gasses, chemotherapy agents, and radioactive materials. (Biohazardous materials <br />and waste are addressed in the infection control policy binder). This plan includes, but is not <br />limited to the following: <br />✓ Hazard Communication Standard (OSHA ✓ Clean Water Act, State Water Code and <br />Right to Know program)(8 CCR 5194) Porter Cologne Act (33 USC 1250) <br />✓ OSHA's regulations for controlling ✓ Hazardous Waste Control Laws (22 CCR <br />exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens (8 66261) <br />CCR 5193) ✓ Medical Waste Management Act (H&SC <br />✓ Formaldehyde (8 CCR 5217) 117600) <br />✓ Airborne Contaminants (8CCR5155) ✓ Hazardous Materials Transportation Act <br />✓ The Laboratory Standard (8 CCR 5191) (49 CFR 172 et seq.) <br />✓ Tuberculosis ✓ The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and <br />✓ Respiratory Protection (8 CCR 5144) Rodenticide Act (40 CFR 150) <br />✓ Clean Air Act and local Air Quality ✓ Comprehensive Environmental <br />District Rules and Regulations (40 CFR Response, Compensation and Liability <br />50-99) Act (40 CFR 300) <br />This hazardous materials management "process flow" typically begins with a product selection, <br />predicated on criteria which considers risks, encouraging the selection of alternative less <br />hazardous products and environmental responsibility. The process flow continues with the receipt <br />of such materials (at the facility or department), through the course of its use, until it is deemed a <br />waste (the time at which the material is discarded, unusable, and no longer viable or otherwise <br />becomes a "waste"). <br />simc 1 Revised 1/10 <br />