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4' <br />(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), this section shall not apply to display shelving units, display refrigeration <br />units, and display freezer units located in the consumer shopping areas of a food facility if the floor underthe <br />units is maintained clean. <br />(d) Table -mounted equipment that is not easily movable shall be installed to allow cleaning of the equipment and <br />areas underneath and around the equipment by being sealed to the table or elevated on legs that provide at <br />least a four -inch clearance between the table and the equipment. <br />B. Food Preparation Sink: <br />® 1. CRFC 114163 <br />(a) Except as specified in subdivision (b), a food preparation sink shall be provided in permanent food facilities <br />for the washing, rinsing, soaking, thawing, or similar preparation of foods. <br />(1) The food preparation sink shall have a minimum dimension of 18 inches by 18 inches in length and width <br />and 12 inches in depth with an integral drainboard or adjacent table at least 18 inches by 18 inches in <br />length and width. <br />(2) The food preparation sink shall be located in the food preparation area, provided exclusively for food <br />preparation, and accessible at all times. <br />(3) The sink shall be equipped with an adequate supply of hot and cold running water through a mixing <br />valve. <br />(b) (1) Food facilities that were approved for operation without a food preparation sink prior to the effective date <br />of this part need not provide a food preparation sink unless the food facility makes a menu change or <br />changes their method of operation. <br />(2) The enforcement officer may approve other methods where the installation of a food preparation sink <br />would not be readily feasible. <br />C. Hand Washing Sinks: <br />® 1. CRFC 113953 <br />(a) Handwashing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to toilet rooms. The number of handwashing <br />facilities required shall be in accordance with local building and plumbing codes. <br />(b) (1) Except as otherwise provided in Section 114358, food facilities constructed or extensively remodeled <br />after January 1, 1996, that handle .non -prepackaged food, shall provide facilities exclusively for <br />handwashing in food preparation areas and in warewashing areas that are not located within or <br />immediately adjacent to food preparation areas. Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and <br />conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees. <br />(2) The handwashing facility shall be separated from the warewashing sink by a metal splashguard with a <br />height of at least 6 inches that extends from the back edge of the drainboard to the front edge of the <br />drainboard, the corners of the barrier to be rounded. No splashguard is required if the distance between <br />the handwashing sink and the warewashing sink drainboards is 24 inches or more. <br />(c) Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds <br />through a mixing valve or combination faucet. <br />(d) An automatic handwashing facility may be installed and used in accordance with the manufacturers <br />instructions. <br />(e) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), the enforcement agency may allow handwashing facilities other than those <br />required by this section when it deems that the alternate facilities are adequate. <br />® 2 CRFC 113953.2 <br />A handwashing facility shall be provided with the following in dispensers at, or adjacent to, each handwashing <br />facility: <br />(a) Handwashing cleanser. <br />(b) Sanitary single -use towels or a heated -air hand drying device. <br />D. Janitorial Facilities: <br />1. CRFC 114279 <br />(a) At least one curbed cleaning facility or janitorial sink equipped with a drain shall be provided and conveniently <br />located for the cleaning of mops or similar wet floor cleaning tools and for the disposal of mop water and <br />similar liquid waste. <br />(b) Restricted food service facilities shall be exempt from subdivision (a) if hot water is available for janitorial <br />purposes and wastewater from janitorial activities is disposed of through an approved sewage disposal <br />system. <br />EHD 16.01 -13 PLAN CHECK GUIDE <br />W1114 <br />