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Complaint Investigation Summary <br /> Report #. 5105 <br />COMPLAINT ID: COYMFUN89 Site Location: 330 N PLEASANT AVENUE, LODI, CA <br />Activity Summary <br />Activity Date Recorded by <br />were affected by the original odor. <br />Servpro encouraged us, in a variety of ways, to smell, smell, smell as an indicator <br />of how things were progressing (which meant we were inhaling ozone and <br />possible other gasses or voc's from oxidation by ozone. That means we inhaled a <br />lot of ozone and I am now under medical care from that ozone exposure/toxicity. <br />As a customer I should have been provided all the information to make a safe and <br />informed decision. Once I found the operation manual, referenced above, I <br />started asking Servpro Lodi questions and also doing more research. In <br />particular, I focused on information from EPA, OSHA, and State of CA. Servpro <br />Lodi scoffed at any information I brought up and so they essentially could not or <br />would not address my concerns about their equipment and the ramifications of <br />their use, ozone, ozone oxidation, safety, and more. <br />VVith the amount of ozone that was pumped into my home, and what may or may <br />not be damaged (oxidized) with accompanying off gassing/out gassing, I still do <br />not have any reassurances from Servpro or Servpro Lodi that my home is safe to <br />be in. The resulting ozone over treatment odor (oxidation) is a chemical, acrid, <br />burnt type odor. <br />Also, that was a lot of ozone released to the outside rather than proper removal <br />and/or notifying neighbors. It is my understanding from another Servpro website <br />that the highest time setting on their ozone generator is to serve a 120,000 cubic <br />foot space. We had that three times, 360,000 cubic feet. If there is a way to <br />determine if my home is safe, or next steps in addressing the damage done, <br />please let me know." <br />Sent an email back to Claudia Lowe <> recommending <br />retaining industrial hygienist, and letting her know about all the agencies that <br />complaint is being referred to for additional follow up, included EHD's complaint <br />number. Also let her know that i referred the complaint to the <br />https://vvww.valleyairorg and left a message with the CDPH. Also emailed her a <br />link if she wishes to file a complaint with : <br /> <br />Discussed complaint with M. Nissim. Called city of Lodi code enforcement at <br />209-333-6823, sent an email with event summary to, asked to <br />be kept in the loop for any updates or actions city of Lodi would be taking. <br />Received a call back from the CDPH duty officer (Bonnie Sanders, 916-437-8158 <br />Cell, 916-328-3605 Pager), she requested to have a summary of events sent to <br /> and she will forward it to someone who may be able to <br />assist and they will call EHD back. <br />12/08/2021 Received an email from Sogol Mehraban Baghbadorani <br /> MANZO <br /><Sogol.MehrabanBaghbadorani@valleyairorg> indicating that this complaint <br />activity is not regulated by the Air Board, printed email, sent a thank you email <br />back. <br />5105. rpt <br /> Page 3 of 4