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Executive Summary <br /> agency to mitigate or avoid the significant environmental impacts resulting from proposed <br /> projects, when feasible, and to identify a range of feasible alternatives to the proposed Project <br /> that could reduce those environmental effects. The EIR must include the contents required by <br /> CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, and examine all phases of the project, including planning, <br /> construction, operation, and any reasonably foreseeable future phases. <br /> PROJECT LOCATION <br /> The Project site is situated roughly in the southwestern corner of Township 2 South, Range 4 <br /> East, southeast portion of Section 32 of the Midway, California, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) <br /> 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle. The Project site is centered at a latitude of 37.710 degrees <br /> and longitude of-121.554 degrees (in decimal degrees). The Property is approximately 0.9 mile <br /> southwest of Interstate 580 and approximately 5 miles southwest of the city of Tracy, and in <br /> proximity to the PG&E Tesla Substation. The Project site consists of Assessor Parcel Number <br /> (APN) 209-10-19 in San Joaquin County and APN 99B-7885-002 and 99B-7590-1-3 in Alameda <br /> County for the access road and gen-tie line. <br /> PROJECT OBJECTIVES <br /> The Applicant has identified the following Project Objectives: <br /> 1. Construct and operate a 400-MW BESS in San Joaquin County with an interconnection <br /> at the Tesla Substation (located in Alameda County) in a cost-competitive manner. <br /> 2. Assist California utilities in meeting their obligations under California's Renewable Portfolio <br /> Standard Program and Senate Bill (SB) 100, which calls for 100 percent of all electricity <br /> sold in California to come from carbon-free resources by the year 2045, including <br /> 60 percent renewables by 2030, and SB 1020, which requires utility providers to supply <br /> 90 percent and 95 percent of supplied electricity from renewable sources by 2035 and <br /> 2040, respectively. <br /> 3. Assist California utilities in meeting their obligations under the California Public Utilities <br /> Commission's (CPUC) Mid-Term Reliability Procurement Requirements. <br /> 4. Provide for the economically viable, commercially financeable, and environmentally <br /> beneficial use of the site's limited agricultural capacity due to the absence of available <br /> irrigation. <br /> 5. Develop a site in proximity to transmission infrastructure in order to minimize <br /> environmental impacts. <br /> 6. Develop a battery energy storage facility in San Joaquin County, which would support the <br /> economy by investing in the local community, creating local construction jobs and <br /> increasing tax and fee revenue to the County. <br /> Griffith Energy Storage Project ES-2 Tetra Tech/SCH 2022120675 <br /> Draft Environmental Impact Report August 2023 <br />