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Executive Summary <br /> PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> The proposed project is designed to absorb or output approximately 400 MW of electricity within <br /> the BESS (on 32 acres in San Joaquin County) and would include a 230-kilovolt overhead or <br /> underground gen-tie line that will extend to the PG&E Tesla Substation within Alameda County. <br /> The gen-tie corridor is 14,920 feet long and 100 feet wide, such that the corridor incorporates <br /> approximately 8 acres. The Project would contain pad-mounted energy storage units, in addition <br /> to inverters, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) equipment, a collector substation, <br /> and an interconnection gen-tie line to the Tesla Substation. The Project would also include related <br /> and supporting facilities, such as on-site service roads, gates and security fencing, and temporary <br /> laydown and construction areas. <br /> PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE <br /> Construction is expected to begin in 2024 and be completed in approximately 15 months, <br /> including 3 months of testing and commissioning, with a workforce of 20 to 60 workers, depending <br /> on the phase. Once operational, the Project would operate 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 <br /> days a year. Routine operations would require one or two workers in a light utility truck to visit the <br /> facility on a weekly basis. Typically, one major maintenance inspection would take place annually. <br /> The expected lifespan of the Project is 35 years. <br /> SUMMARY OF IMPACTS <br /> Table EX-1, Summary of Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures, summarizes the <br /> potential impacts for the proposed Project. The table also identifies mitigation measures <br /> recommended to reduce, avoid, or minimize significant impacts and indicates the net level of <br /> impact following implementation of all mitigation measures. <br /> The potentially adverse effects of the proposed Project are discussed in Sections 4.1 through <br /> 4.18 of this Draft EIR. Mitigation measures have been recommended that would avoid, reduce, <br /> or minimize impacts. All of the potential impacts associated with the proposed Project would be <br /> either less than significant or mitigated to less than significant. The proposed Project would not <br /> result in any significant unavoidable impacts. <br /> PROJECT ALTERNATIVES <br /> Section 15126.6 of the CEQA Guidelines requires consideration and discussion of alternatives to <br /> the proposed Project, which would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the Project and <br /> would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the proposed Project. In <br /> addition to the proposed Project, three project alternatives were considered and are briefly <br /> summarized here (and are discussed in detail in Chapter 5 of this Draft EIR). <br /> oo No Project Alternative: The Project site would not be developed and would remain in its <br /> existing condition and continue to experience a reduction in agricultural production from water <br /> resource allocation constraints. <br /> oo Three-Terrace Southeast Corner Alternative: The Project site would be set back from <br /> residences along West Patterson Pass to the north and Midway Road to the west. The <br /> Griffith Energy Storage Project ES-3 Tetra Tech/SCH 2022120675 <br /> Draft Environmental Impact Report August 2023 <br />