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San Joaquin County <br />Environmental Health Department <br />1868 East HazeIton Avenue, Stockton, CA 95205-6232 <br />Telephone: (209) 468-3420 Fax: (209) 464-0138 Web: www.siqov.orc/ehd <br /> <br />Swimming Pool Official Inspection Report <br />Facility Name and Address: ECONO STUDIOS, 4540 N EL DORADO ST, STOCKTON 95207 <br />Influent and Effluent psi unknown <br />Pool is closed until reinspection verifies all the violations have been corrected. Management stated they have kept the pool <br />closed since last year when EHD closed the pool. <br />Please be aware if violations are repeated next year, a billable reinspection may be conducted. <br />GFCI working (can be reset after test) but pool light could not be turned on. <br />OIR emailed to and <br />The person in charge is responsible for ensuring that the above mentioned facility is in compliance with all applicable sections of the California Health and <br />Safety Code. If a reinspection is required, fees will be assessed at the current hourly rate. <br />Received by: Name and Title: swim kumar, mgr <br />EH Specialist: JEFFREY WONG Phone: (209) 468-0335 <br />FA0000817 PR0360055 SC001 07/22/2016 <br />Page 3 of 3 Swimming Pool OIR EHD 36-01 Rev. 06/30/15