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CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION <br />SELLER'S PERMIT <br />PERMIT NUMBER <br />223232288 - 00001 <br />PLANET GRUBCLUB LLC <br />2044 S TUXEDO AVE <br />ISTOCKTON CA 95204-4850 <br />IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO SALES AND USE TAX <br />LAW TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF SELLING TANGIBLE <br />PERSONAL PROPER7Y AT THE ABOVE LOCATION. <br />START DATE: <br />October 20, 2023 <br />YOU ARE REQUIRED TO OBEY ALL FEDERAL AND <br />STATE LAWS THAT REGULATE OR CONTROL <br />YOUR BUSINESS. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT ALLOW <br />YOU TO DO OTHERWISE. <br />THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID AT ANY OTHER ADDRESS. PLEASE RETAIN THIS DOCUMENT FOR YOUR <br />RECORDS. <br />THIS PERMIT IS VALID UNTIL REVOKED OR CANCELED AND IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. <br />FOR GENERAL TAX QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER AT 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711). <br />FOR INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS, CONTACT THE TAXPAYERS' RIGHTS ADVOCATE OFFICE AT 1-888-324-2798. <br />CDTFA-442-R REV. 20 (2-22) <br />DISPLAY THIS PERMIT CONSPICUOUSLY AT THE PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR WHICH IT IS ISSUED <br />A MESSAGE TO OUR PERMIT HOLDER <br />As a permittee, you have certain rights and responsibilities under the Sales and Use Tax Law. For <br />assistance, we offer the following resources: <br />Our website at <br />Our toll-free Customer Service Center at 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711). Customer service representatives <br />are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific time), except state holidays. <br />As a permittee, you are expected to maintain the normal books and records of a prudent businessperson. You <br />are required to maintain these books and records for no less than four years, and make them available for <br />inspection by a California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) representative when requested. <br />You are also required to know and charge the correct sales or use tax rate, including any local and district taxes. <br />You must notify us if you are buying, selling, adding a location, or discontinuing your business; adding or <br />dropping a partner, officer, or member; or when you are moving any or all of your business locations. This permit <br />is valid only for the owner specified on the permit. A person who obtains a permit and ceases to do business, or <br />never commenced business, shall surrender their permit by immediately notifying CDTFA in writing at this <br />address: California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, Field Operations Division, P.O. Box 942879, <br />Sacramento, CA 94279-0047. You may also surrender the permit to a CDTFA representative. <br />If you would like to know more about your rights as a taxpayer, or if you are unable to resolve an issue with <br />CDTFA, please contact the Taxpayers' Rights Advocate Office for help by calling 1-888-324-2798 or by faxing <br />1-916-323-3319. <br />As authorized by law, information provided by an applicant for a permit may be disclosed to other government <br />agencies.