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(� -I) <br /> CONESTO3A-ROVERS <br /> &ASSOCIATES <br /> March 24, 2015 Reference No. 080238 <br /> -2- <br /> Result of Lead from Lead-Based Paint, Organochlorine Pesticides from Termiticides, and Polychlorinated <br /> Biphenyls from Electrical Transformers(June 9,2006). CRA will prepare and implement a Phase II work <br /> plan to assess the following potential environmental concerns: <br /> Lead-Based Paint(LBP): To assess the potential impact of LBP CRA will collect shallow soil samples from <br /> exposed soil within the drip line of each building. Soil samples collected from each side of the building <br /> will be composited and submitted for laboratory analysis. CRA anticipates up to a total of 16 composite <br /> samples will be submitted for lead analysis. <br /> Organochlorine Pesticides: To assess the potential impact of OCPs from historical farming practices, <br /> CRA proposes to collect surface soil samples from eight locations across the undeveloped portion <br /> (approximately 4 acres)of the Site. Samples collected from these locations will be composited and <br /> submitted for laboratory analysis. CRA anticipates a total of four composite samples will be submitted <br /> for OCP analysis. To assess the potential impact of termite control pesticides around the Site structures, <br /> CRA proposes to collect both surface and shallow soil samples from exposed soil areas around the <br /> perimeter of the four permanent buildings. Soil samples collected from each side of the building will be <br /> composited and submitted for laboratory analysis. CRA anticipates up to a total of 32 composite <br /> samples will be submitted for OCP analysis. In summary,to assess both historical OCP use and potential <br /> Site application CRA will submit a total of 36 samples for OCP analysis. <br /> Arsenic: Based on the historic use of the Site as cultivated farmland, it is possible that an agricultural <br /> chemical such as an arsenical pesticide/herbicide was applied to the soil at the Site. CRA proposes to <br /> collect surface and shallow soil samples from four locations across the undeveloped portion of the Site. <br /> CRA anticipates a total of eight discrete soil samples will be submitted for arsenic analysis. These <br /> samples will help establish the baseline conditions of arsenic that may be present in the area when <br /> considering future development activities. <br /> As identified in Phase I ESA,the two onsite water supply wells contain detectable concentrations of <br /> arsenic in excess of the regulatory criteria. To further assess the extent of arsenic in groundwater across <br /> the Site,CRA proposes to drill four soil borings for the collection of groundwater samples. CRA <br /> anticipates a total of four grab groundwater samples will be submitted for arsenic analysis. CRA will <br /> coordinate and oversee a C-57 licensed driller to complete this portion of the investigation. To collect <br /> groundwater samples,a drilling permit will need to be obtained from the San Joaquin County(the <br /> County) Environmental Health Department—Geotechnical Unit.Groundwater samples will be collected <br /> by CRA and submitted for laboratory analysis of arsenic. Additionally,CRA will collect depth to <br /> groundwater measurements and procure a licensed surveyor to survey the boring locations for <br /> evaluating groundwater flow conditions beneath the Site. <br /> Worldwide Engineering,Environmental,Construction,and IT Services <br />