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CE/NFELDER <br /> �s.;gne ano;e.x;vnesowno�. <br /> assessment. Kleinfelder will additionally prepare a health and safety plan prior to the actual <br /> field assessment. <br /> Task 2 —Advancement of Push Probes <br /> The purpose of the push probe assessment will be to collect additional background <br /> groundwater information near 81 lots located along the southern and northeastern portions of <br /> the Site and near proposed Basin 2 (see Plate 2). OLWD has expressed interest in conducting <br /> multiple groundwater sampling events from these temporary well points presumably in the <br /> quarter in which the wells are initially installed (third or fourth quarter of 2013). These <br /> temporary well points are also proposed to be destroyed in the quarter they are installed as <br /> EHD does not typically allow temporary wells to remain installed for prolonged periods of time. <br /> The total proposed depths of the push probes are 25 feet bgs for cost estimating purposes, but <br /> the actual depth/s will be based on field observations of first encountered groundwater. <br /> Therefore, some borings may be deeper or shallower than 25 feet bgs. <br /> Kleinfelder proposes approximately two days of work and the advancement of seven push <br /> probes. Four probes are proposed to be spaced throughout the elongated strip area of LAA <br /> No. 7R, two probes in the northeast portion of the Site and one in the northwest corner of the <br /> Site. Former temporary well data TW-1 through TW-3 will be used to support the additional <br /> groundwater information that will be obtained. The actual push probe locations will be <br /> dependent on access, surface conditions, and potential interference with subsurface and <br /> above-ground utilities. <br /> Prior to the advancement of the push probes, the first 4 feet will be advanced by hand auger to <br /> assess potential underground utilities. Push probes will be advanced using a pneumatically- <br /> driven steel probe. Soil samples will be obtained by inserting a sample barrel lined with acetate <br /> liners into the probe. The sample barrel will be lowered to the desired sampling interval and <br /> driven into the soil. To reduce the potential for cross-contamination, core barrels and associated <br /> down-hole equipment will be cleaned prior to advancing each probe. <br /> Soil samples will be collected continuously during the advancement of the push probes at <br /> depths ranging from near surface to the proposed maximum depth of approximately 25 feet <br /> bgs. During the advancement of the borings, soil samples will be collected for lithologic <br /> classification based on the Unified Soil Classification System. <br /> Once the probe has been advanced approximately 10 feet below first encountered <br /> groundwater, a 1-inch diameter, 10-foot long screened PVC pipe attached to blank PVC <br /> sections will be lowered into the probe. The annular space between the PVC casing and the <br /> wall of the boring will be backfilled with engineered 2/16 clean sand to approximately 2 feet <br /> above the top of the perforated sections. Groundwater will enter the screened section under <br /> hydrostatic pressure, and samples will be collected using a small diameter polypropylene tubing <br /> attached to a cleaned stainless steel ball valve or a stainless steel bailer. New PVC screened <br /> and blank sections will be used at each probe location. Stainless steel bailers, ball valves, and <br /> other down-hole re-useable equipment will be decontaminated prior to use at each sampling <br /> location by stream cleaning or scrubbing in a non-phosphate detergent wash followed by a <br /> distilled water rinse. <br /> The groundwater samples will be collected and decanted directly into laboratory supplied <br /> containers appropriate for the requested analyses. After collection, the seven groundwater <br /> 124374.T1/ST013R0535 Copyright 2013 Kleinfelder <br />