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20 October 2011 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 96-0236 <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br /> Based on the nature and extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon impact at the site, hydrogen <br /> peroxide application appears to be a moderate to favorable remedial alternative for the <br /> site. Several wells at the site are screened through areas of heavily impacted soil, which <br /> is "drowned" under the shallow water table. The wells installed at the site could be <br /> immediately utilized to apply the mixture in affected areas,effectively stripping and treating <br /> hydrocarbon impact to soil and ground water. Utilizing the site well network would forgo <br /> additional well installation costs and provides a generally adequate network to treat a <br /> significant portion of the residual hydrocarbon impact. <br /> 3.1.2. RegenOxT° <br /> RegenOxTM" is a patented material distributed by Regenesis of San Clemente, California. <br /> The media is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants <br /> through powerful, controlled chemical reactions. RegenOxTM uses a solid alkaline oxidant <br /> that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula to directly <br /> oxidize contaminants. The catalytic component generates a range of highly oxidizing free <br /> radicals that help rapidly and effectively destroy a wide range of target contaminants <br /> including both petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated compounds. <br /> Based on the site soil and ground water plume conditions (i.e. shallow ground water and <br /> "drowned" adsorbed soil impact), RegenOxTM would be considered to be a low to <br /> moderately effective treatment technology for remediation of residual hydrocarbons at the <br /> site. Application of RegenOxTM would likely require a modest amount of new borings for <br /> injection points and could require several applications/boring advancement events before <br /> achieving site cleanup goals, increasing remedial costs and extending the life of the <br /> project. For the purposes of expediting cleanup of the residual adsorbed and dissolved <br /> hydrocarbon plums at the site, RegenOxTm is not considered to be the most cost- or <br /> cleanup-effective technology for the site. <br /> 3.1.3. Oxygen Release Compound Advanced <br /> ORC-advanced ® media is a patented material distributed by Regenesis Bioremediation <br /> Products of San Clemente, California. ORC-advanced ® media is typically applied using <br /> direct-injection techniques.This process requires ORC-advanced®media to be mixed with <br /> water to form an injectable slurry which is then pressure injected (using a pump) into the <br /> zone of contamination.Once in the aquifer,tiny ORC-advanced®media particles can sorb <br /> to and/or reside in the soil matrix and produce a controlled release of oxygen for periods <br /> of up to 1 year. <br /> Adwnced GeoEnvironmenlal,Inc. <br />