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CRO <br /> Jeff Granberry ; <br /> September 26, 1995 ( 9447-8620) 3 _ <br /> 3.4 Soil Conditions <br /> Soils encountered during UST removal consisted of silt and clay from below the pavement <br /> base rock to approximately 14 5 fbg Fine sand and silty fine sand was encountered from 14 5 <br /> fbg to the total depth of the excavation Ground water was observed at approximately 1 i fbg <br /> within the excavation Soils exposed beneath the former product piping were dry silt and clay <br /> The maximum excavation depth of the product line trenches was approximately 8 fbg <br /> 3.5 Soil Disposition <br /> Approximately 2,090 yd' of soil were excavated from the former USTs, former piping and <br /> dispensers, and new UST locations between May 1 and June 16, 1995 The soil was previously <br /> characterized in place by Forward, Inc (Forward) by reviewing laboratory analyses of all soil <br /> samples collected during the initial investigations Forward authorized Shell to directly haul the <br /> excavated soil to Forward's landfill located in Manteca, California On occasion, it was necessary <br /> to stage stockpiled soil on and beneath plastic sheeting overnight to provide efficient delivery to <br /> the landfill Manley Trucking hauled the soil on five dates, May 4, 5, 11, 17, and June 16, 1995 <br /> Soil and UST disposal documents are included in Appendix H <br /> During excavation and loading activities, vapor emissions were monitored with a PID to <br /> . ensure that the health of the workers and general public was not being compromised The <br /> SJCPHS/EHD approved procedure was proposed in the April 17, 1995, "Emission Control Dunng <br /> Underground Storage Tank Removal Workplan " The workplan proposed action levels for <br /> contingency abatement measures Monitoring did not demonstrate the need to implement <br /> contingency measures Appendix B includes logs of the air monitoring <br /> 3. 6 Recoveiy Well InsUdlation <br /> On May 25, 1995, after the former UST excavation had been backfilled and properly <br /> compacted, a 6-inch-diameter recovery well RW-lA was installed to 30 fbg near the center of <br /> the former UST excavation (Figure 2) The drilling was performed by Gregg Drilling, under <br /> supervision of Fugro The well was constructed to accommodate both ground water and vapor <br /> extraction The screen interval is from approximately 10 to 30 fbg Standard well construction <br /> procedures, as presented in the SJCPHS/EHD Well Standards, were followed The drilling logs <br /> and well construction details are included in Attachment D The permit application for well <br /> installation is included in Appendix G <br /> 94478620 ARP 8 <br />