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, <br /> Mr. George Takemori Project 20F90-002.007 <br /> May 11, 1999 <br /> Page 2 <br /> in good condition with no holes, cracks, or pitting observed. No soil staining was <br /> observed around or beneath the tanks during the tank removal activities. Three to four <br /> UST soil samples from each tank area were field screened for the presence of petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons using a flame ionization detector (FID). Samples were sealed in a plastic <br /> bag for approximately 15 minutes, which is generally sufficient for volatiles to escape <br /> from the soil. The total volatile hydrocarbons present were detected by the FID and <br /> displayed in parts per million (ppm). All readings were at or below 3 ppm. The FID <br /> was calibrated to a methane standard. <br /> Transport and disposal of the USTs was coordinated by Teichert's UST removal <br /> subcontractor Town & Country Contractors, Inc. Teichert will maintain copies of <br /> transport and disposal manifests. <br /> SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS <br /> . Sampling of the soil stockpile, and soil from beneath the dispensers and product lines <br /> was completed on March 24, 1999 by a Pinnacle geologist. Two soil samples from <br /> beneath the dispenser island and one sample from beneath the product lines were field <br /> screened for the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons using the FID. Two of the FID <br /> readings were zero and one dispenser soil sample was 0.2 ppm. <br /> Based on laboratory test results from the initial soil samples collected at the dispensers, <br /> additional soil excavation was performed. Two additional soil samples were collected <br /> from the dispenser excavations on April 22, 1999, and submitted for analysis. <br /> Pinnacle collected four confirmation soil samples from beneath Tank #5 and #6, and <br /> three samples from beneath Tank #8 for a total of 11 samples. Additionally, two soil <br /> samples were collected from beneath the product dispensers and one sample was <br /> collected from beneath the product lines at a depth of 3.5 feet below ground surface <br /> (bgs). Based on Iaboratory test results, additional soil excavation was performed at the <br /> dispenser island and two more samples collected on April 22, 1999, at a depth of 6.0 feet <br /> bgs. <br /> CM:1TEICHERTISTOCKTO"EPORTSISTKNP101.DOC-99Vsg:1 <br /> Rev.0,5/11/99 <br />