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' Report-Soil and Groundwater Investigation <br /> Herman&Helen's Marina <br /> September 30, 1996 <br /> ' Page-5- <br /> drilling. Upon completion of the drilling and sampling, the boreholes were grouted with a cement <br /> ' slurry containing 4 percent bentonite. <br /> ' 3.3 Soil Sampling <br /> Soil samples were collected continuously using a 1.75-inch O.D., 4-foot long, core barrel, fitted <br /> ' with a clean, one time use, polyethylene liner. The soil sampling equipment was cleaned prior to <br /> collecting each sample. The cleaning procedures consisted of washing the sampling spoon in a <br /> ' solution of laboratory-grade, non-phosphate detergent and hydrocarbon-free water, and double-rinsing <br /> with hydrocarbon-free water. <br /> ' During the sampling, the core barrel was driven approximately 4 feet per sample interval. <br /> ' The sample liner was extracted from the core barrel and used for geological logging and for field <br /> screening using a photoionization detector (OVA-PID). Soil samples were cut from each liner at <br /> selected depths for potential chemical analyses or geotechnical testing. The soil samples were logged <br /> ' according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Geological logs were prepared and contain field <br /> observations including soil type, estimated moisture content, presence of staining or odor, and field <br /> ' PID measurements (Appendix B, Geological Logs). <br /> ' The soil types encountered were predominantly moist, organic rich, silty clay and clayey <br /> peat. Septic odors were noted in the soil from GP-1 and GP-2. A slight petroleum odor was noted in <br /> ' GP-4. Petroleum staining was not observed. PID screening of the soil samples collected during the <br /> investigation indicated organic vapors at 5 feet bgs in GP-4 (50 parts per million - ppm). <br /> Soil samples collected at or near the capillary fringe (5 total) were cut from their respective <br /> ' polyethylene liners and retained for chemical analyses. Each sample was capped, wrapped with duct <br /> tape, and labeled. The sample I.D.'s are as follows: 1432-GP 1-9', 1432-GP2-11', 1432-GP3-10', <br /> ' 1432-GP4-5', and 1432-GP5-13'. The last number in each sample I.D. indicates the depth at which <br /> the sample was collected. The samples were stored in a cooler chilled with ice and delivered within <br /> 24 hours of collection, under chain-of-custody procedures, to GeoAnalytical Laboratories of Modesto, <br /> California. <br /> N� <br /> t� <br /> CONDOR <br />