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1} <br /> Mr H Knoll <br /> June 23, 1999 <br /> • Page 2 <br /> storage tanks (USTs) are not being used by the store and that the exact location of the <br /> USTs is uncertain due to the fill plates no longer being visible Copies of these letters <br /> and memo are in Appendix A An environmental assessment conducted in September <br /> 1990 also documents that these tanks were not bung used and that there were no fill <br /> plates visible or vents lines on the exterior of the building as shown in the architectural <br /> plans <br /> In December 1990, the BFS facility ceased operation and the store was closed <br /> permanently The remaining tanks and hoists were removed in April 1991, documented <br /> in two separate reports by Ryan Murphy, Inc Three USTs remain closed in place <br /> within the sidewalk along El Dorado Street. A total of twelve USTs were removed <br /> from the EFS site <br /> Impacted soil was encountered during tank removal activities near Tank 5 Soil <br /> remediation was conducted in the vicinity of former Tank 5 using a vapor extraction <br /> system The remediation system operated from November 1994 until May 1995 <br /> Based on the site information, SJCPHS-EHD granted site closure in November 1995. <br /> In May 1997, a site investigation was completed as part of a property transfer The <br /> . property transfer site investigation was conducted in the vicinity of the closed in place <br /> Tanks 1 through 3 Two of the four slant borings drilled during this investigation had <br /> detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons. Total petroleum hydrocarbons <br /> (TPH) was detected in slant borings PB1 and PB2 at approximately 18 feet below <br /> ground surface (bgs) located east of tanks 2 and 3 Soil samples were not analyzed for <br /> methyl-butyl ether (MTBE) or other oxygenates Groundwater was stated in the report <br /> as having not been encountered, however in the table of analytical results, soil <br /> classification for sample PB2A25 is listed as silty sand wet <br /> _OST Investigations <br /> In December 1998, QST drilled two borings BFS-1 and BFS-2 Boring BFS-1 was <br /> drilled approximately 7 feet east of Tank 2 and Boring BFS-2 was drilled approximately <br /> 13 feet to the south of Tank 3 Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in soil <br /> samples analyzed from Borings BFS-1 and BFS-2 indicating that impacted soil is <br /> limited to the area beneath the tanks Soil samples were also analyzed for MTBE and <br /> other oxygenates and these constituents were not detected in the soil samples <br /> Temporary wells were installed in the bonngs to obtain groundwater samples <br /> Groundwater was encounter at different depths in the borings and therefore the <br /> groundwater samples possibly reflected different water beanng zones In Boring BFS- <br /> 1, groundwater was sampled at 28 feet TPH, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total <br /> • xylenes (BTEX), MTBE and other oxygenates were detected in the groundwater sample <br /> collected from Boring BFS-1 TPH, BTEX, MTBE and other oxygenates were not <br />