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' Report—Fist Phase Remediai System Page 8 <br /> Former Manna Pro Site <br />' Project No 2013 <br /> . June 18,2002 <br /> At a point upstream of the air bypass valve, an access port was constructed so that a pitot <br /> tube connected to a digital manometer could be inserted to measure the vapor extraction <br /> rate Gas sample ports were installed at points before, in-between, and after, the 1,000 <br />' carbon filters The VES equipment was mounted on a specially constructed steel skid <br />' 3.1.2 Air Sparge Pump Installation <br /> The air sparge equipment consisted of a 5 horsepower, 2-cylinder, Ingersoll-Rand air <br />' compressor equipped with a 60-gallon pressure tank The compressor is designed to <br /> operate at about 110 psig Downstream of the compressor, a pressure regulator was <br /> installed to reduce the compressor pressure to levels acceptable for sparging, general <br />' between 15 to 20 psig The compressor was capable of producing over 10 scfm of <br /> airflow at the face of the screened interval at the bottom of the well The air sparge <br /> compressor was connected to the wells by 2-inch diameter PVC pipe runs A 0-25 scfm <br />' range limiting orifice rotameter was used to measure and regulate airflow into the well <br /> The sparge equipment was mounted on the same specially constructed steel skid as the <br /> VES equipment Construction and assembly of the VES/Sparge surface equipment <br />' occurred in October and November of 2001 <br /> 3.2 VES/Sparge System Operations <br /> The start-up and operation of the system was delayed b almost three months due to <br /> Y Y <br /> unexpected delays in obtaining a permit from the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air <br /> Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) The permit application was submitted on <br /> November 19, 2001, but the permit was not issued until February 1, 2002 Insofar as the <br />' agency required a representative to be on-hand at the time the system was started, the <br /> mutually agreed start-up date was scheduled for February 14, 2002 <br />' 3.2.1 Soil Vapor Extraction System Start Up, Operation & Monitoring <br /> The vapor extraction system was started at 0852 on the February 14, 2002 under the <br />' supervision of a representative of the SJVUAPCD Shortly after the system start-up, an <br /> air sample was collected in Tedlar bags from both the influent and effluent sides of the <br /> treatment system to satisfy the Air Pollution Control District requirements The <br /> concentration of gasoline hydrocarbons in the vapor was measured from the same two <br /> points with a PID organic vapor meter The air extraction and air sparge rates were <br /> measured, and the vacuum at the casing heads of observation wells OB-4 and OB-5 was <br /> measured with a magnahelic gauge The sparge rate was monitored by use of a <br /> Rotameter air flow gauge Vapor extraction rates were measured by inserting a pitot tube <br /> into the air sampling port up-stream of the Fuji blower The pitot tube was connected to a <br /> Dwyer series 475 digital manometer that measures the differential pressure A <br />' 2937 Veneman Ave , #FB240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone(209)569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax (209) 569-0295 <br />