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interim Site Assessment Report <br /> {'}s` Village West Marina <br /> W.W. Irwin Project 033016.00 <br /> 15 inches thick and may serve as a confining layer to the underlying ground water. Data <br /> provided by the California Department of Water Resources shows that the depth to first <br /> ground water may be as shallow as 20 feet bgs in the vicinity of the site. Ground water was <br /> not encountered during the excavation of the tank pit that extended to approximately 18 to <br /> 20 feet bgs, however, the clay layer was encountered at the bottom of the excavation. <br /> SITE HISTORY <br /> On April 21, 1993, two 10,000-gallon underground leaded gasoline storage tanks and one <br /> 5,000-gallon underground diesel fuel storage tank were removed from the subject site. Evax <br /> Technologies, Inc., under the supervision of Ms. Pamela Violett, SJCPHS inspector, <br /> inspected the tanks and collected soil samples from beneath the fill end and non-fill end of <br /> each leaded gasoline tank and one sample from beneath the fill end of the diesel tank. All <br /> samples were retrieved from the floor of the excavation located at 13.5 feet bgs. <br /> Additionally, two soil samples were collected from the soil stockpile which was placed next <br /> to the excavation. The stock pile was later moved to the south end of the property where <br /> it still remains. <br /> Analytical results of the soil samples, revealed that elevated levels of total purgeable <br /> hydrocarbons (TPH-G) and total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH-D), benzene, <br /> toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes (BTEX) and lead were present in the samples collected from <br /> the excavation and from the stockpile. <br /> EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES <br /> The overexcavation of the former tank pit was initiated on July 16, 1993, by equipment <br /> operator, Mr. Mark Burns, and a W.W. Irwin staff geologist, as requested and contracted <br /> by the Pegasus Group. The work was supervised periodically by Mr. Michael Collins, <br /> SJCPHS inspector. <br /> As the excavation proceeded, soil samples were collected for lithologic analysis and organic <br /> vapor analysis (OVA) meter readings were taken in order to direct the excavation by <br /> determining the level of contamination and the direction of migration. The excavation was <br /> expanded slightly in all directions from the original tank pit to an area approximately 35 feet <br /> square and to a depth of approximately 18 to 20 feet below surface grade. The excavation <br /> was baited when the excavator reached the limits of its extension and when the northern <br /> wall became inaccessible. Ground water was not encountered. An estimated 260 cubic <br /> yards of newly excavated soil was removed from the tank pit and stored at a location on the <br /> south side of the property, separate from the soil stockpiled during the tank removal <br /> operation (shown in Figure 2). <br /> 2 <br />