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i <br /> June 13,2006 <br /> NOA Project Number: E06063A <br /> 2.2 Aerial Photographs <br /> i <br /> Aerial photographs depicting the subject property dated 1937,1952,1963,1975 and 1983 were reviewed <br /> at the San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office in Stockton,California? One additional photo,dated 1993, <br /> was obtained from Microsoft Terraserver.3 <br /> In the 1937 photo, the subject property appears to be used for agricultural purposes. A residence and <br /> barn structure can be seen on the parcel partially surrounded by the subject property. Agricultural land <br /> with scattered rural residences is apparent along Bird Road. <br /> F1In the 1952 photo, a sump appears on the northeast corner of the property. An additional structure, <br />' and trees along the driveway can be seen on the parcel partially surrounded by the subject property. The <br /> Fisubject property and its immediate vicinity appear relatively unchanged from the previous photo. <br /> In the 1963 photo,an orchard appears on the adjacent property to the southeast corner. The subject <br /> property and its immediate vicinity otherwise appear relatively unchanged from the previous photo. <br /> In the 1975 photo,the subject property and its immediate vicinity appear relatively unchanged from the <br /> previous photo. <br /> In the 1983 photo,the pond in the northeast corner appears half the size as the 1963 photo.The subject <br /> property and its immediate vicinity otherwise appear relatively unchanged from the previous photo. <br /> In the 1993 photo,the subject property and its immediate vicinity appear relatively unchanged from the <br /> previous photo. <br /> !_�! These photos are included in Appendix C of this report. NOA's ability to interpret the land uses is <br /> Fl. limited by the scale and quality of the photos. <br /> 2.3 USGS Topographic Maps <br /> k_{ The topographic quadrangle depicting the subject property Yis the U.S. Geological Survey, Vernalis, <br /> California, quadrangle map. One 7.5-minute map dated 1968 photo inspected 1991 was available at <br /> NOA. <br /> In this map, the subject property is depicted as a portion of a larger field. A well is depicted on the <br /> southwest corner of the subject property. A dirtroad defines its northern boundary and two dirt roads <br /> Fi run through the property. The property is depicted as approximately 40 to 50 feet above mean sea level <br /> and sloping down to the northeast at a rate of approximately ten feet per mile. <br /> F7 <br /> 2San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office,1810 Hazelton Avenue,Stockton,California. <br /> f <br /> k <br /> 1 3R4icxosoft Terraserver, <br /> 3 <br /> F-1 <br />