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l <br /> k F1 Ruiz Property Page 2 of 7 <br /> Our Project Number: E07129A <br /> I August 1, 2007 <br /> 1 1.1 Description of Site <br /> The property is located at 27 South Del Mar Avenue, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California. <br /> I The property consists of a 0.374 acre parcel (APN 159-035-03). <br /> I � <br /> �- According to the San Joaquin County Community Development Department web site,' the (l <br /> subject property is zoned R-L (Low Density Residential). This zoning designation "is intended to <br /> provide for neighborhoods consisting of detached, single family residences located within or <br /> ` immediately adjacent to population centers which have public services." <br /> Location maps of the subject property are attached to this report as Appendix A. Photographs <br /> of the subject property are attached to this report as Appendix B. <br />' 1.2 Proposed Development <br /> A new residence will be built on the northern portion of the property. <br /> } ? 2.0 PAST, PRESENT, AND PROPOSED FUTURE USES <br /> F1, 2.1 Recorded Land Title Records <br /> A chain of title report was not provided by the client for NOA's use in preparing this report. <br /> 2.2 Aerial Photographs <br /> Aerial photographs depicting the subject property dated 1937, 1953, 1963, 1975 and 1983 were <br /> ri reviewed at the San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office in Stockton, California. 2 One additional <br /> photo, dated 2002, was obtained from Microsoft Terraserver.3 <br /> In the 1937 photo, the subject property is vacant. To the west and north are scattered z j <br /> residences. To the east is a road and then vacant land. , <br /> In the 1952 photo, the subject property remains vacant. The surrounding properties have <br /> residences to the north, west and south. To the east is a road, then vacant land. <br /> F1 h the subject roe appears to be vacant with a large tree near the road. <br /> In the 1963 photo, } property rty pp g <br /> The surrounding properties have additional residences. <br /> f F1 In the 1975 photo, the subject property is in a residential neighborhood. It appears that there (2-.)) <br /> is a building on the subject property. <br /> In the 1983 photo, a building can be seen on the southern portion of the subject property. The <br /> surrounding properties have residences. <br /> 1 San Joaquin County Community Development Department, <br /> San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office, 1810 Hazelton Avenue, Stockton,California. <br /> 3 Microsoft Terraserver, <br /> F1 .,44 <br /> 902 Industrial Way■Lodi,CA 95240.209.367.3701 -Fax 09.369.4228 02007 Neil O.Anderson&Associates,Inc. <br />