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indicated that the general geologic stratigraphy consists of 9.5 feet of clayey <br /> overburden. <br /> Hydrology <br /> The groundwater table exists approximately 88 feet beneath the site and will not be <br /> impacted by the proposed project. Offsite drainage is collected along MacArthur Drive <br /> and does not flow across the project site. During the mining process, the only water <br /> entering the site will be rain water which will be contained onsite. <br /> The Banta-Carbona Irrigation District (BCID) has pipelines located along the southern <br /> and northern boundaries and along a portion of the western boundary of the property. <br /> A 25' setback from all BCID easements will be maintained for the project. <br /> Soil Assessment <br /> A detailed soils analysis was completed by Dellavalle Laboratory, Inc. and is attached <br /> for review. The soils identified at the site are Capay series, EI Solyo series, Vernalis <br /> series, Zacharias series, and Xerofluvents. Approximately 85% of the soils were <br /> identified as prime farmland and 15% as non-prime. Soil removed as a part of the <br /> mining process will be segregated by soil horizons and reconstructed during <br /> reclamation to preserve the agricultural use of the site. <br /> Vegetation/Wildlife <br /> A biological survey was completed by Jones & Stokes Associates (JSA), including a <br /> den survey to assess the site's potential to support the federally endangered and state <br /> threatened San Joaquin kit fox. The results indicated that no potential or active kit fox <br /> dens or any positive sign of kit foxes were located within the proposed mining area. A <br /> potential kit fox den was located within the area surveyed in an active ground squirrel <br /> colony. This area is located on the northeast perimeter of the property and will be <br /> avoided by our operations. JSA did not observe any other special-status plant or <br /> wildlife species during their surveys. <br /> 4 <br />