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California Horned Lark and Tricolored Blackbird. If project construction begins during the <br /> nesting season (April 1—August 31), pre-construction surveys shall be conducted during the <br /> nesting season in suitable nesting habitat within 500 feet of areas of project activity. A <br /> setback of 500 feet from California horned lark and tricolored blackbird nesting areas shall be <br /> established and maintained during the nesting season for the period encompassing nest <br /> building and continuing until fledglings leave nests. This setback applies whenever <br /> construction or other ground-disturbing activities must begin during the nesting season in the <br /> presence of nests that are known to be occupied. Setbacks shall be marked by brightly <br /> colored temporary fencing. [MM 4.10-7] <br /> Timing: The applicant shall submit a biologist's report of pre-construction surveys to the San <br /> Joaquin County Community Development Department(CDD) prior to the issuance of grading <br /> permits for the project. <br /> 40. Conversion of San Joaquin Kit Fox Habitat: Because the entire College Park site is <br /> located within the SJMSCP's Central/Southwest Transition Zone,the following SJMSCP <br /> incidental take avoidance and minimization measures shall be implemented for all projects: <br /> a. Pre-construction surveys shall be conducted 2 weeks to 30 days before <br /> commencement of ground disturbance. Surveys shall be conducted by a <br /> qualified biologist. If the surveys identify potential dens (potential dens are <br /> defined as burrows at least 4 inches in diameter that open up within 2 feet), <br /> potential den entrances shall be dusted for 3 calendar days to register track of <br /> any San Joaquin kit fox present. If no San Joaquin kit fox activity is identified, <br /> potential dens may be destroyed. If San Joaquin kit fox activity is identified, then <br /> dens shall be monitored to determine if occupation is by an adult fox only or is a <br /> natal den(natal dens usually have multiple openings). If the den is occupied by <br /> an adult only, the den may be destroyed when the adult fox has moved or is <br /> temporarily absent. If the den is a natal den, a buffer zone of 250 feet shall be <br /> maintained around the den until the biologist determines that the den has been <br /> vacated. <br /> b. Where San Joaquin kit fox are identified, the provisions of the Standardized <br /> Recommendations for Protection of the San Joaquin Kit Fox before or during <br /> Ground Disturbance(USFWS 1999b)shall apply(except that pre-construction <br /> survey protocols shall remain as established in the above paragraph).These <br /> standards include provisions for educating construction workers regarding the kit <br /> fox, keeping heavy equipment operating at safe speeds, checking construction <br /> pipes for kit fox occupation during construction, and similar low-or no-cost <br /> activities. [MM 4.10-91 <br /> Timing: The applicant shall submit a biologist's report of pre-construction surveys to the San <br /> Joaquin County Community Development Department(CDD)prior to the issuance of grading <br /> permits for the project. <br /> 41. Loss or Alteration of Jurisdictional Waters: Impacts to waters of the United States are not <br /> currently mitigated by participation in the SJMSCP. Therefore, the College Park developers <br /> shall implement the following measures: <br /> a. Before implementation of any Tentative Map or development project(if no Tentative Map) <br /> under the College Park project, a formal Section 404 delineation of waters of the United <br /> States, including wetlands, shall be conducted by a qualified biologist in the Tentative <br /> Map or development project area if the area includes features that are potentially subject <br /> to USACE jurisdiction (ponds, irrigation canals, and drainages). The delineation shall be <br /> submitted to USACE for verification. <br /> b. If, based on the verified delineation, it is determined that fill of waters of the United States <br /> would result from the Tentative Map or development project, authorization for such fill <br /> shall be secured from USACE via the Section 404 permitting process before <br /> implementation of the Tentative Map or development project. <br /> 11 <br />