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In the 1975 photo, it appears that the entire Site has been planted with orchard. <br /> Because of the scale of the photo, it is difficult to determine whether the structures at <br /> the southwest corner of the Site remain or have been removed. <br /> In the 1998 photo, the entire Site is orchard. No structures can be seen in the <br /> southwest corner. A new building cluster can be seen to the south of the Site. <br /> In the 2002 photo, a new residence can be seen near the center of the Site. <br /> In the 2009 photo, a portion of the orchard is being cleared near the center of the Site. <br /> A new building cluster can be seen to the south of the Site. <br /> These photos are included in Appendix 3 of this report. <br /> 4.0 SITE INSPECTION <br /> Live Oak inspected the site on July 22, 2013. Photographs of the Site are attached to <br /> this report as Appendix 2. The perimeter of the Site was inspected, as well the major , <br /> features visible from the perimeter. The interiors of structures were not inspected. <br /> The Site consists of walnut orchard. A house and a pump house containing the <br /> domestic well are located near the center of the Site, a paved driveway leads from Jack <br /> _ Tone Road to the house. A pump house containing the irrigation well is located near <br /> the northeast corner of the Site. Near the northern property line, a paved driveway <br /> extends across the Site from Jack Tone Road, it turns south and runs for approximately <br /> 350 feet along the western property line before reaching the adjacent residence to the <br /> west. Three pole-mounted transformers were observed on the Site. All the <br /> transformers appeared relatively new, but a blue sticker indicating the transformer is <br /> free of PCBs was only observed on one. <br /> The surrounding properties consist of walnut and cherry orchards to the north and west, <br /> walnut orchards and corn field to the east, and open land to the south. Rural residences <br /> are present to the east, west, south, and northeast. Mormon Slough defines the <br /> northern property line of the Site, while a small creek defines the southern property line. <br /> LOGE 1316 Page 3 <br />