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Soil Suitability/Nitrate Loading Study <br /> Proposed Global Carrier Inc. ■ Manteca, California Irerracon <br /> August 8, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. NA187034 <br /> According to the United States Geological Survey(USGS) Manteca California Quadrangle dated <br /> 1994, the elevation of the site is approximately 50 feet above mean sea level with a topographic <br /> gradient generally sloping towards the west. The adjoining land is relatively flat. <br /> 1.1.2 Proposed Development <br /> Based on a review of a questionnaire completed by M. Birinder Singh, President of Global Carrier, <br /> Inc. and a site plan provided by Mr. Carlos Vieira of Vieira Design Group, we understand the <br /> existing almond orchard will be removed prior to the development of an approximately 8,000 SF <br /> building which will include a truck transfer dock, brake shop, storage area,tire shop and additional <br /> septic system. Other improvements will include asphalt and concrete pavement areas, 142 <br /> parking stalls, stormwater retention basin, and limited landscaping. The existing residence is <br /> proposed to be converted to an office and the existing septic system will remain in use. <br /> 1.1.3 Site Vicinity <br /> Highway 120 abuts the site to the north followed by three industrial properties (11011 E. Highway <br /> 120, 17984 Ideal Parkway, and 17990 Ideal Parkway). The adjoining eastern properties consist <br /> of four residential and/or agricultural properties (11172 E. Highway 120 and 18091, 18185, and <br /> 18303 S. Hart Lane). The adjoining southern properties consist of a residence and orchard <br /> (18399 S. Hart Lane). The adjoining western property consists of an orchard with shop (11006 <br /> E. Highway 120). A detailed vicinity map is included in Appendix A (Exhibit 1). <br /> 1.1.4 Site Map <br /> A detailed site map is included in Appendix A(Exhibit 2). <br /> 1.2 Present and Past Uses of the Site <br /> 1.2.1 Past and Present Site Use <br /> Terracon reviewed the USGS Manteca California Quadrangle topographic maps dated 1914 and <br /> 1952, aerial photographs dated 1937, 1952, 1963, and 1975 provided by the San Joaquin County <br /> Surveyors Office and GoogleEarthTm aerial photographs dated 1993, 2008, and 2017 to establish <br /> a history for the site. The following table is a description of the site based on the source. <br /> Table 1. <br /> Historical Information. <br /> Year Source Description <br /> 1914 Topo Undeveloped land <br /> 1937 Aerial Developed with the existing residence and multiple structures at the <br /> northeastern corner of the parcel with agricultural land use on the <br /> remainder <br /> Responsive■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4 <br />