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• In the 1998 photo, the Site appears to be planted with vineyard, as do several <br /> surrounding properties. Two new structures can be seen south of the cluster of <br /> trees on the Site. <br /> In the 2004 and 2010 photos, no significant changes are apparent. <br /> 4.0 SITE INSPECTION <br /> Abigail Racco of Live Oak inspected the site on October 13, 2015. Photographs <br /> of the Site are attached to this report as Appendix 2. The majority of the <br /> perimeter of the Site was inspected, as well as the exteriors of the structures; the <br /> interiors were not inspected. It was not always possible to inspect the ground <br /> surface due to the presence of objects, road surfacing, and vegetation. <br /> The Site consists of vineyard with a building cluster at its southeast corner. The <br /> eastern side of the Site is defined by the Mokelumne River; a levee runs along <br /> the river. The western side of the Site is defined by railroad tracks. <br /> At the building cluster, a paved driveway leads onto the Site from New Hope <br /> Road. The primary residence is located south of the driveway. Mr. Dambacher <br /> indicated that the septic system is to the southwest of the house. A pole- <br /> mounted transformer was observed to the west of the house. The secondary <br /> residence is located north of the driveway. Mr. Dambacher ponted out the septic <br /> system to the west of the house and two domestic wells to the southeast of the <br /> house; he indicated that one well supplies both houses, while the other is used <br /> for landscape irrigation. A garage, two sheds, and a shop were located east of <br /> the secondary residence. On the north side of the shop, two aboveground <br /> storage tanks approximately 500 and 850 gallons in size were noted. Mr. <br /> Dambacher indicated that these had contained gasoline and diesel in the past <br /> but were now empty. An empty drum was noted just west of the tanks; Mr. <br /> Dambacher indicated that he uses it for waste oil. No staining was noted in the <br /> area. Two pole-mounted transformers were noted in this area, one to the north <br /> of the garage and one to the west of the secondary residence. <br /> A second driveway leads onto the Site south of the first. To the south of this <br /> driveway are a mobile home and shop. A domestic well was noted to the <br /> northeast of the mobile home. Mr. Dambacher pointed out the septic system to <br /> the west of the mobile home. To the west of this area, a pile of objects including <br /> wood, tires, and miscellaneous containers and materials was noted. To the north <br /> of the shop and driveway, a water tank and aboveground storage tank were <br /> noted. Mr. Dambacher indicated that the aboveground storage tank was empty <br /> and had never been used on the Site. He stated that spray tanks had been filled <br /> at the water tank in the past. <br /> • <br /> LOGE 1521 3 <br />