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March 2, 1999 <br /> NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER E99042 <br /> Sevin (also known as Carbaryl): Sevin is a wide-spectrum carbamate insecticide. Most animals, <br /> including humans,readily break down carbaryl and rapidly excrete it in the urine and feces. It is not <br /> considered to be a carcinogen or teratogen, but poses a slight mutagenic risk. Its soil half-life is 7 <br /> days in aerobic soil and 28 days in anaerobic soil. <br /> Lorsban 4E(also known as Chlorpyrifos): Lorsban is a broad spectrum insecticide. It is moderately <br /> toxic to humans. It is not considered to be a carcinogen,teratogen or mutagen. Chlorpyrifos adsorbs <br /> strongly to soil particles and it is not readily soluble in water. In aerobic soils, the soil half-life is <br /> from 1 I to 141 days. In anaerobic soils, the half-life is 15 to 58 days. <br /> 5. San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District <br /> The San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (APCD) was contacted in an effort <br /> to obtain information as to whether any agricultural burn permits have been issued for the subject <br /> property. According to APCD officials, they have no records of any agricultural burn permits for <br /> the subject property. <br /> 6. California Integrated Waste Management Board <br /> The Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database is maintained by the California Integrated <br /> Waste Management Board (CIWMB). The SWIS database contains an inventory of solid waste <br /> disposal facilities or landfills. These may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed <br /> to meet RCRA Section 2004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. The SWIS database <br /> list was reviewed for reference to the subject property and to sites located within one-quarter(1/4) <br /> mile of the subject property. <br /> According to the SWIS database list dated November 1998,the subject property does not appear <br /> on the SWIS database at this time. The SWIS database list notes no (0) sites on the which are <br /> within the specified search radius of the subject property. <br /> 7 <br /> 22 <br />