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July 1,2002 <br /> NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER LE02-164 <br /> numbered 695RN which allows for the burning of"WALNUT PRUNING" on file for the address of <br /> the subject property. <br /> 8. California Integrated Waste Management Board <br /> The Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database is maintained by the California Integrated <br /> Waste Management Board (CIWMB). The SWIS database contains an inventory of solid waste <br /> disposal facilities or landfills. These may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to <br /> meet RCRA Section 2204 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. The SWIS database list <br /> was reviewed for reference to the subject property and to sites located within one-quarter(1/4)mile <br /> of the subject property. <br /> Our review of the SWIS database( occurred on June 3,2002. The <br /> subject property does not appear on the SWIS database at this time. The SWIS database lists no(0) <br /> sites that are within 1/4 mile radius of the subject property. <br /> V. HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION <br /> Recorded Land Title Records <br /> A chain of title report was not provided by or requested by the client for NOA's use in preparing this <br /> report. <br /> A. Aerial Photographs <br /> Aerial photographs depicting the subject property dated 1937, 1952, 1963, 1975 and 1983 were <br /> reviewed at the San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office in Stockton, California. <br /> 1937 - The subject property is cultivated land that is split in two approximately equal east and west <br /> portions. There is a residence to the northwest, across E. West Ripon Road, surrounded by <br /> cultivated land. There is a residence to the northeast, across E. West Ripon Road, surrounded by an <br /> orchard. There is a residence and an orchard to the east. To the south there is an orchard, a <br /> residence and five long buildings,three running east/west in the northern portion of the property and <br /> two running north/south on the western portion of the property. There is a residence and an orchard <br /> to the west, across Kincaid Road. <br /> 1952 - There is now a residence on the subject property, off-center to the west, on the northern <br /> boundary, along E. West Ripon Road. Except for the aforementioned detail,there are no significant <br /> changes from the 1937 photograph, described above. <br /> 10 <br />