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July 1,2002 <br /> NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER LE02-164 <br /> 1963 -The subject property is now a young orchard. Except for the aforementioned detail,there are <br /> no significant changes from the 1952 photograph, described above. <br /> 1975 - There are no significant changes from the 1963 photograph, described above. <br /> 1983 - There are two structures directly north of the residence on the subject property, across E. <br /> West Ripon Road. There are no significant changes from the 1975 photograph, described above. <br /> B. USGS Topographic Maps <br /> The topographic quadrangle depicting the subject property is the U.S. Geological Survey, Ripon, <br /> California, 7.5 minute Series (topographic) quadrangle map. The Ripon quadrangle was available <br /> from the years 1952, 1969 and 1969 photorevised in 1980 at the Stockton Public Library. <br /> 1952 - The subject property is located in the northwest 1/4 of Section 27, T2S, R7E and rests <br /> between 40 and 45 feet above mean sea level. There is a residence on the subject property, off- <br /> center, on the northern boundary, along E. West Ripon Road. There are houses on the properties <br /> found to the east, northeast, northwest, west and south. <br /> 1969 - The residence on the subject property appears to be larger. The subject property is depicted <br /> as an orchard. The property to the south has five long rectangular structures,three trending east/west <br /> along the northern boundary of the property and two trending north/south along the western <br /> boundary of the property. Except for the aforementioned details, there are no significant changes <br /> from the 1952 edition, described above. <br /> 1969 photorevised in 1980 -There are no significant changes from the 1969 edition, described above. <br /> VI. INTERVIEWS <br /> An attempt was made to obtain historical as well as current information relative to the subject <br /> property from the property owner. The objective of the interview process is to obtain information <br /> indicating recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject property. An <br /> Environmental Questionnaire and Disclosure Statement was completed by the property owner for use <br /> by NOA Environmental for this report. A copy of the responses have been included in this report <br /> as Appendix D. <br /> Information gleaned from the questionnaire submitted and signed by Mr. Jerry Fisher and Mr. Mark <br /> Fisher includes the fact that the current and past land uses for the subject property are that of tree <br /> crops, almonds from 1970 through 1990 and walnuts from 1990 through the present. The <br /> questionnaire provided the information that the subject property is zoned AG 40. Under the air <br /> 11 <br />