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EarthTech Ms. Violeta Mislang <br /> A Tyco International Ltd.Company September 30, 2005 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> Pre-Field Activities <br /> The following activities will be completed prior to conducting the soil gas and additional <br /> groundwater sampling described herein: <br /> all A site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP), compliant with Title 8 of the California <br /> Code of Regulations (CCR), Chapter 4, and prepared in accordance with DTSC guidance <br /> documents, was submitted with the Work Plan and approved by DTSC. For the <br /> additional planned investigation activities, an addendum to the HASP has been prepared <br /> and is included as an attachment to this Work Plan addendum (see Attachment 1). A <br /> copy of the HASP addendum will be kept onsite during field activities along with the <br /> HASP. <br /> 41, At least 48 hours prior to conducting fieldwork, Earth Tech will notify Underground <br /> Service Alert (USA) of the proposed drilling activities. Earth Tech will also employ the <br /> services of a private utility locator to attempt to determine existence and location of <br /> potential underground utilities or obstructions in the vicinity of proposed locations. <br /> • Applicable exploratory boring permits will be obtained from the San Joaquin County <br /> Department of Public Health. <br /> • Site access for the field activities will be coordinated with the Property Owner. <br /> Soil Gas Sampling for VOCs and Naphthalene <br /> A total of four borings (SV-1 through SV-4) will be advanced in the former drill room at 1856 Field <br /> Avenue by a direct-push technology (DPT) drill rig. As shown on Figure 1, one boring (SV-1) will <br /> be placed adjacent to the location former soil boring SB 17, while the remaining three borings will <br /> be placed within a radius of 15 feet around the location of SB17. <br /> Soil gas samples will be collected using the "post-run tubing" (PRT) sampling method. This <br /> method consists of advancing a drive rod to the required depth and then withdrawing the tip of <br /> the probe several inches to expose the surrounding soils. A 3/8-inch PRT, located inside the <br /> drive rod, forms a vacuum-tight seal near the probe tip. The PRT is then purged at a known rate <br /> using a vacuum pump at the surface. The sampling canisters are then attached to the PRT, and <br /> soil vapor samples are collected. <br /> Soil gas samples will be collected in general accordance with the guidelines provided within the <br /> document Advisory-Active Soil Gas Investigations developed by DTSC and the Los Angeles <br /> RWQCB (DTSC/RWQCB, 2003). Soil gas samples will be collected at a depth of approximately <br /> 5 feet below ground surface (bgs) in each boring. During installation of the probe, hydrated <br /> bentonite will be used to seal around the drive rod at ground surface to prevent ambient air <br /> intrusion from occurring. To ensure a representative sample, a vacuum pump will be used to <br /> extract three purge volumes of vapor at a flow rate between 100 to 200 (mUmin) prior to soil gas <br /> sampling in order to rid the tubing of ambient air and allow subsurface soil gas to enter. A <br /> laboratory-supplied 6-liter pre-evacuated stainless steel Summa canister with a 30-minute flow <br /> controller will be used to collect soil vapor samples at a flow rate between 100 to 200 milliliters <br /> per minutes (mUmin). <br />