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March 25, 2005 <br /> NOA Project Number: E05003A <br /> 2.0 PAST, PRESENT,AND PROPOSED FUTURE USES <br /> 2.1 Recorded Land Title Records <br /> A chain of title report was not provided by the client for NOA's use in preparing this report. <br /> 2.2 Aerial Photographs <br /> Aerial photographs depicting the subject property dated 1937,1952,1963,1975 and 1983 were reviewed <br /> at the San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office in Stockton, California'. Two additional photos, dated <br /> 1993 and 2002,were obtained from Microsoft Terraserver. <br /> In the 1937 photo,the subject property appears to be an agricultural field or range land. Temple Creek <br /> crosses the subject property. Several trees are scattered across the southern portion of the property. (z, <br /> The land appears mottled by wetlands. The railroad tracks are apparent to the northeast of the property. <br /> Surrounding land is agricultural. A residence is apparent to the west. <br /> In the 1952 photo,it appears that rice is being grown on the subject property. An object can be seen 2 <br /> at the location of the northernmost well on the property. <br /> In the 1963 photo, it appears that row crops are being grown on the subject property. An irrigation z J <br /> canal bisects the subject property running north-south. The trees observed on the property in the <br /> previous photos are no longer present. <br /> In the 1975 photo,an object is apparent at the point where the irrigation canal crosses Temple Creek. <br /> The crop on the subject property cannot be discerned because of the scale of the photo. <br /> In the 1983 photo,it is apparent that the subject property has been planted with vineyard. <br /> In the 1993 photo, the subject property and its immediate vicinity appear relatively unchanged from <br /> the 1975 photo. <br /> In the 2002 photo,a small structure is apparent in the vicinity of the northernmost well on the subject <br /> property. A small object is apparent at the southwest corner of the property. <br /> These photos are included in Appendix C of this report. NOA's ability to interpret the land uses is (2- <br /> limited <br /> Zlimited by the scale and quality of the photos. <br /> 'San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office,1810 Hazelton Avenue,Stockton,California. <br /> 3 ",44 <br />