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March 25, 2005 <br /> NOA Project Number: E05003A <br /> Four diesel pumps were observed at the pumping station at the center of the subject property. These <br /> pumps appeared to be powered by an above-ground storage tank,which was located on a cement pad <br /> but not within appropriate secondary containment. Staining to the cement pad beneath the pumps was X3.3 i <br /> observed. Two five-gallon buckets partially full of an unknown substance were observed near the <br /> pumps;one bucket was open. A few one-gallon plastic chernica lugs were observe -a-s we . <br /> An irrigation canal was observed along the western property line. Several five-gallon plastic buckets and <br /> one-gallon plastic chemical containers, as well as pieces of broken concrete irrigation pipe, were <br /> observed near a tree on the western side of the property. The buckets and jugs were not accessible <br /> because of the canal. <br /> Two inoperable vehicles were observed near the southeast corner of the property. Fire damage was 3 <br /> evident on the vehicles. <br /> Three pole-mounted transformers with blue, PCB-free stickers were observed along the western <br /> property line. Five pole-mounted transformers were observed along the eastern property line. These <br /> transformers were gray and appeared relatively new. <br /> A sign indicating an underground natural gas pipeline was observed at the southwest corner of the <br /> subject property. It appears that the pipeline may run along the western property line. �3 <br /> Surrounding properties were surveyed at the time of the site reconnaissance. To the north of the subject <br /> property was a corn field. To the south was Wildwood Road, followed by a vineyard and an orchard. <br /> To the east was a vineyard. To the west was an open field. A small oil stain was observed beneath a <br /> pump located at Temple Creek to the immediate west of s ject ro erty. o the west of the <br /> southwest corner of the subject property was e Wildwood Liquefier,a facility for liquefying natural l <br /> gas. Several above-ground storage tanks were observed at this facility,and drums were observed in its <br /> rear yard. <br /> 3.L 9 Pacific Gas &Electric <br /> Ms.Linda Harkins of Stockton PG&E has stated that the only way to determine the PCB content of <br /> transformers without blue PCB-free or silver retrofit stickers is to have them tested, a service which <br /> PG&E will provide for a charge14 <br /> 14Personal Communication,March 5,2004. <br /> 9 "044 <br />