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March 25, 2005 <br /> NOA Project Number: E05003A <br /> 4.0 EVALUATION OF IDENTIFIED CONTAMINATION SOURCES <br /> The pumping station at the center of the property,the shed,and the tree on the western property line <br /> appear to be locations where agricultural chemicals and petroleum products were handled. Accidental <br /> discharge of the chemicals to soil is more likely at such locations. <br /> Any problems with the Wildwood Liquefier or the natural gas pipeline identified along the western <br /> property line would be the responsibility of their owners. Based on records reviewed and interviews, <br /> it does not appear that there have been any hazardous materials incidents at the Wildwood Liquefier. <br /> 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Given the historical uses of agricultural chemicals and petroleum products on the subject property, <br /> meaningful conclusions regarding the presence or extent of such material cannot be determined without <br /> soil sampling and analysis. <br /> If domestic water wells are to be developed on the subject property,the EHD should be contacted for <br /> direction regarding the potential for impacts to groundwater from the agricultural history of the <br /> property and vicinity. <br /> • The oil staining around the well head at the northern well should be cleaned up, and a well service <br /> should be consulted to address possible maintenance issues at both wells on the property. <br /> If the 1,000-gallon above-ground storage tank is to remain in use,it should be placed within appropriate <br /> secondary containment. The staining beneath the diesel pumps should be cleaned up,and the pumps <br /> should be maintained to prevent future spills. If the tank and/or diesel pumps are to be removed,the t <br /> removal should be performed in accordance with all applicable regulations, and the soil beneath and <br /> surrounding the concrete pads should be inspected for evidence of leakage. <br /> C <br /> e site is developed,any stained soil or sources of contamination identified,such as those described <br /> ction 3.3, should be characterized and properly disposed in accordance with federal, state, and <br /> regulations. <br /> 6.0 LIMITATIONS <br /> This report was compiled as a Surface and Subsurface Contamination Report for the subject property. <br /> This report contains information and data provided to NOA by several sources. NOA in no way <br /> warrants the accuracy or completeness of the information provided to this investigation by those <br /> sources. <br /> 11 <br />