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. MACHADO PROPERTY Page 4 <br /> WKA No. 6078.02 <br /> November 1, 2004 <br /> Neighborhood distribution overhead electrical powerlines (12kV) are located along the western <br /> boundary of the subject property, along the west side of Mountain House Parkway and along the <br /> south side of Grant Line Road. We observed no pad-mounted transformers on,adjacent to or <br /> near the subject property. <br /> Overhead electrical powerlines are located within an easement on the northwestern portion of the <br /> subject property. The overhead conductors are mounted on steel transmission towers and are <br /> minimally powered at 115 kV. We observed no electrical transformers,substations or other <br /> equipment within the electrical easement(s)on the subject property. <br /> Windshield Survey <br /> Grant Line Road bounds the property to the north,beyond which is hay cropland. Mountain House <br /> Parkway bounds the property to the east. A recently disced field bounds the property to the south. <br /> • Disced fields and rural residences bound the property to the west. No bulk hazardous materials <br /> storage or distribution facilities were observed in the property neighborhood. No substantial <br /> hazardous air emissions from stationary sources were observed on or near the property. <br /> Site History <br /> Ownership <br /> Readily available San Joaquin County Assessor's office records consisting of a computerized <br /> database accessed via APNs reveals that Joe J. and Lillian E.Machado are the current property <br /> owner entities of the subject property. Additional site history information is provided under the <br /> subheadings below that correspond to the sources of the data. <br /> Interview <br /> According to information presented in the EDR database report, a former Shell Oil Company crude <br /> oil pipeline is referenced as being located adjacent to the property. We discussed the history of the <br /> former Shell pipeline with Michael Hurd of Clayton Group Services. Mr. Hurd explained to us that <br /> • his firm was hired by the Shell Corporation to perform a site investigation of the former pipeline to <br /> identify if contamination from the pipeline has occurred. Mr. Hurd informed us that the pipeline is <br /> actually located on the western portion of the subject property. Their study of the pipeline has not <br /> wnunce-KIM <br />