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• MACHADO PROPERTY Page 6 <br /> WKA No. 6078.02 <br /> November 1, 2004 <br /> 1914 Map <br /> On the 1914 map, the subject property is mapped as undeveloped land. One structure is mapped <br /> on the northeast portion of the property. An improved road(currently identified as Grant Line <br /> Road) is mapped to the north of the property. The Alameda County and San Joaquin County <br /> boundary line is mapped approximately 5000 feet to the west of the property. An improved road <br /> (currently identified as Mountain House Parkway)is mapped to the east of the property. <br /> 1978 Map <br /> On the 1978 map the currently active dairy is mapped on the eastern portion of the property. The <br /> improved road to the north is now identified as Grant Line Road. A pond, which was further <br /> discussed in the Site Description portion of the report, is mapped on the northeast comer of the <br /> property. High-voltage power lines are now mapped traversing the northwest portion of the <br /> • property. Rural residences are now mapped to the east and south of the property. <br /> In summary, each of the reviewed topographic maps reveals that the subject property is located in a <br /> historically rural residential and agricultural area of San Joaquin County. No evidence was <br /> observed on the topographic maps to suggest that the subject property was disturbed by human <br /> activities typically mapped by the USGS, such as the following: quarrying;installation or removal <br /> of pits, lagoons; occurrences of dredging or subsurface or surface mining;or, deposition of <br /> historically placed, USGS topographically mappable quantities of imported fill materials. <br /> Aerial Photographic Review <br /> We obtained standard scale, historic aerial photographs in ten-to fifteen-year increments with <br /> coverage of the subject property and general vicinity from Cartwright Aerial Surveys in <br /> Sacramento, California for years 1963, 1975, and 1999. <br /> July 10, 1963 Air Photos <br /> Photo ID Nos.: 4-85 and -86 <br /> (Scale`. I"= 166T) <br /> The neighborhood infrastructure features (roads, levees, railroad tracks, etc.) in the property <br /> vicinity as mentioned during our topographic map review are visible in the earliest air photos. NNIM <br /> INALLAC6•KUHL <br />