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L. .pg <br /> Inspection Report Report Date <br /> 18 August 2003 <br /> Stockton—RWCF <br /> San Joaquin County <br /> Secondary clarifiers are after the bio-towers and then the wastewater is pumped under the San Joaquin <br /> River to the tertiary facility. <br /> Headworks and Primaries: Upon arrival at the RWCF odors were observed. During the inspection the <br /> Discharger pointed out the foul air pit and described it as a release point for malodorous compounds <br /> generated at the RWCF. Significant odors were observed in the location of the primary sedimentation <br /> area also. Two circle-square and six rectangular primary sedimentation basins were in operation. <br /> Trickling Filters: The secondary level of treatment consists of three bio-tower trickling filters and four <br /> clarifiers. From the observation of the flies accumulated at the entrance to the RWCF, it appears that filter <br /> flies,Psychoda, may have recently hatched. It was understood that the bio-towers have blowers to extract <br /> and capture odors. It was unclear if the odors were captured and destroyed. <br /> Sludge Lagoon: The Sludge Lagoon appeared to be unlined. No seepage was observed around_the levee <br /> perimeter of the sludge impoundment. Supernatant from the lagoon goes back to the head works. <br /> Digesters: The digesters were observed to be operating between 99 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. <br /> Supernatant from the digesters goes back to the head works. <br /> Belt Filter Press: Two belt filter presses operate five days a week, 10 hours a day. Filter cake is piped to <br /> the holding/loading area and has approximately 25% solids with ferrous chloride and a polymer have been <br /> added to help remove the solids. A contract company hauls the sludge from the facility. <br /> Tertiary Facility and Outfall: Wastewater flows through the ponds to the DAF system, which is used to <br /> remove solids, mostly algae, from the raw pond water. Eight Tertiary filters work in pairs to remove <br /> solids prior to disinfection. Chlorine gas is injected into the wastewater for disinfection. As wastewater <br /> flows through the chlorine canal contact time is accumulated for required disinfection. Dechlorination <br /> chemicals are added prior to discharging from the outfall. The discharge outfall wet well has a flow back <br /> chamber option where by effluent can be redirected to either Pond#1 or#4 in case of an emergency or <br /> failure. Outfall location appeared to be free of floating or suspended matter, discoloration, visible films, <br /> sheens or coatings, fungi, slimes, or objectionable growths, and potential nuisance conditions. <br /> The Discharger explained that on-site trees, shrubs, and other vegetation was being irrigated with recycled <br /> wastewater. <br /> Ponds: Four ponds totaling approximately 600 acres comprise the pond system. Ponds have perimeter <br /> canals for circulation. The Discharger reported the pond perimeters and perimeter canals ate visually <br /> inspected three times per shift. The visual inspection is completed while driving the pond's perimeter. <br /> The southeast area of Pond#I was observed to have odors that may have been generated by some <br /> decaying algae. The remaining ponds appeared to be sufficiently maintained and had normal color. The <br /> fence between Bums Cutoff and Pond#4 needed repair to preclude public access to the RWCF. <br /> There are five bug light stations located around the ponds to determine the need for vector control. <br /> Discharger reports the methods of vector control used are fogging or air strike pesticide application. <br /> 2 <br />