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jv <br /> and I indicated we would pursue finding a CPT firm, further compact the existing <br /> access "roads" and pads and begin work within the next few weeks. CPT rigs at firms <br /> contacted were booked several weeks into the future but requested quotes from two <br /> firms. In the interim period two significant storm events occurred. The fields are very <br /> wet and we believe it is neither practical nor safe to proceed at this time. In the event <br /> drying occurs and the area becomes accessible it is proposed that the two day <br /> probing activity be initiated immediately. <br /> In the event entry into the field becomes feasible and we can locate a rig on very short <br /> notice we would like to proceed. If not, we will postpone CPT testing until mid spring <br /> when we expect the field to be dry again. <br /> Location of planned CPT holes will step out further from the last set about 100 to 150 <br /> FT, approaching the northern property line of the adjacent field and spread both <br /> eastward and westward radially from the site's NE comer. <br /> Discreet sampling of two separated Water bearing strata will employ CPT probing and <br /> recording to the deeper strata and collection of the deeper water sample. This activity <br /> will be followed by an adjacent hydropunch to suspected first encountered water and <br /> collection of the shallower water sample. Sufficient water will be collected to allow the <br /> selected California DOHS certified laboratory to analyze TPH (diesel range) to a <br /> detection level of < 0.050 mg/L or 50 ppb. All CPT records and water quality results <br /> will be reported to the overseeing agency after interpretation by a California registered <br /> i geologist. It is anticipated that first ground water will be encountered at about 50 FT <br /> �✓ below ground surface. <br /> It is my understanding that the existing permit used in May 2004 hydropunch activity <br /> remains valid if the same licensed contractor is used but a new permit may be required <br /> to continue the CPT/Hydropunch work on the same parcel if a new drilling contractor is <br /> selected. <br /> Determining the extent of TPHdi.e1 concentrations leading to remediation in the <br /> immediate vicinity of the original release requires additional soil sampling. There <br /> is conjecture as to the depth of significant soil contamination. Observations, at <br /> time of earlier exploratory borings and monitoring well installation, indicated <br /> significant TPHd;esel concentrations in the top 10 to 15 FT, and at a depth of 25 to <br /> 40 FT. <br /> The owner and I recognize that the deeper area of concentration will require <br /> addressing by either in situ remediation, removal, or other method to reduce the <br /> source of the TPHdi se, and potential spreading to the underlying ground water. In <br /> August removal of the suspected upper zone was proposed using a scraper and <br /> remediation of contaminated soil as it was removed. Earlier than expected storm <br /> events and access conflicts, as the plant is required to support a new contract to <br /> export asphalt, renders the use of scraper excavation not practical at this time. <br /> Excavation of test pits to a depth of about 20 FT near the concrete enclosed area <br /> 2 <br />