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i <br /> Ile 3.2 Soil and Groundwater Investigation <br /> Soil and groundwater will be sampled near the former UST to demonstrate the limited nature of the <br /> UST release to the subsurface A geoprobe investigation technique will be used to collect both soil <br /> Iand groundwater data At the minimum, eleven geoprobe boring locations will be sampled The <br /> proposed geoprobe locations are shown on Figure 5 <br /> I <br /> Each geoprobe test boring will involve collecting soil samples at 5-foot sampling intervals to a total <br /> depth of 15 feet, or to a maximum depth at which groundwater is encountered A sample split will <br />' be evaluated for total organic vapors (TOV) with a phototonization detector (PID) during the <br /> investigation If TOV readings greater than 50 ppm are detected, the investigation will be stepped <br />' out five feet, and an additional boring will be installed to further collect delineation samples Samples <br /> will be labeled, capped, and immediately placed into an ice chest or similar container for contaminant <br />' preservation and submitted under the appropriate chain-of-custody protocol to a California Certified <br /> Laboratory Each sample will be analyzed for TEPH using EPA Method 8015 modified for diesel, <br />'* TPH-g using EPA Method 8015 modified for gasoline, and for BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method <br /> 8020 <br /> I <br /> Upon reaching groundwater, the geoprobe will advance an additional two to four feet, and a <br />' groundwater sample will be collected using a hydropunch sampler The hydropunch utilizes a <br /> screened drive tool, which allows the collection of relatively undisturbed groundwater samples <br />' Groundwater samples will be collected in a clean Teflon bailer and decanted into, laboratory supplied, <br /> 40-m1 VOA vials, and placed inside of an ice chilled cooler for transport to the laboratory <br />' Groundwater temperature, conductivity, clarity (m NTU), and resistivity will be measured and <br /> recorded during sampling Chain-of-custody procedures will be followed and documented <br />' Groundwater samples will be analyzed for the same constituents as noted for soil samples For <br /> quality assurance, an additional trip blank will be prepared and submitted for analysis, as will a <br />' duplicate sample collected from one of the test geoprobe borings <br /> The Lcamer Company-UST In%x--m atinn Wnrlplan 5 <br />' PRE ts%�R97016\97016cal dnckRev 0(lune 1997) <br /> 1 <br />