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ARCS assembled and transported the components of tine new oxygen condenser to Geocon and on <br /> August 20, 2003 the new oxygen condenser was retrofitted to the ozone sparge skid However, <br />' several other problems were discovered with the ozone sparge skid including missing components, <br /> loose wires, blown fuses, software problems with the Allen Bradley Program Logic Controller <br />' (PLC), fouled valves, and a dead backup battery for the PLC The ozone sparge system was returned <br /> to service on September 17, 2003 but not optimally producing ozone After additional <br /> troubleshooting and problem solving, the ozone sparge system was producing approximately 2 5 <br /> pounds of ozone per day and sparging at a rate of approximately 6 liters per minute beginning <br /> October 2, 2003 It was discovered that the hour meter was non-operational since the restart of the <br />' system on September 17, 2003, and service was returned to the hour meter on October 22, 2003 <br /> In response to the Fourth Quarter 2003 groundwater analytical data, the open/closed status of the <br /> sparge wells was reconfigured on October 15, 2003 to include all spas ge points except points 513, <br /> S14, S15, and 520 Historical operational data including well open/closed status, ozone leak <br /> detection monitoring data,and presence of an odor are presented in Table 7 <br /> 3 3 3 Future Work <br />' Future work planned in the remainder of the Fourth Quarter 2003 and First Quarter 2004 include the <br /> following tasks <br /> * Conduct First quarter 2004 monitoring and sampling event in January <br /> * Conduct monthly sampling of the replacement well to domestic well DW-1 <br /> * Perform monthly O&M for the ozone sparge system <br /> * Conduct weekly PID readings on the vapor influent and effluent, perform monthly O & M <br />' for the SVE system <br /> I <br /> ProieU No 58643-06-01 -7- November 3,2003 <br />