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TRACY MATERIALS RECOVERY &TRANSFER FACILITY <br /> RFI AMENDMENT NO. 3 <br /> ® Operations: <br /> C&D debris requiring little or no processing will be directed to the C&D <br /> Processing Area which may be separated by a small front-end loader and <br /> manual labor and placed in individual metal bin containers by commodity types <br /> (i.e., metals, wood waste, and cardboard). Large or bulky materials may be <br /> pushed from the Processing Area directly into the Transfer Station for further <br /> handling. The inerts are collected in metal bins and taken to the Inert Processing <br /> Area. Appliances are taken to the Appliance Recycling Area. Wood is delivered <br /> to the Wood Waste Processing Area. The minimal amount of green and yard <br /> waste is delivered to the Yard Waste Processing Area. <br /> The remaining C&D material will be placed on the tipping floor and be manually <br /> sorted with some assistance of a front-end loader to push the sorted piles and to <br /> load the recovered material to be placed into small 3 cubic yard to 5 cubic yard <br /> metal bins by commodity types for temporary storage adjacent to the C&D <br /> Processing Area. <br /> At the end of each day, the C&D Debris Processing Area is cleared and no <br /> material is left on the processing area overnight. Storage of C&D materials is <br /> limited to that day of operations only. The recycled commodities are stored in <br /> bins until full, and then are taken to other operations on-site where the storage <br /> AEk time is limited to the activity and those specific operations. <br /> Tracy Material Recovery and Transfer Station keep an Injury Illness Prevention <br /> Plan (IIPP) on site as required by CAL/OSHA. The IIPP is dated December 29, <br /> 2004, and is used for frequent training with staff. The 19 page document provides <br /> a series of safety rules and training program to alert the workers to safety and <br /> hazardous issues. Whereas the 1993 RFI may not explicitly address some of the <br /> valid concerns you have, the IIPP does. A series of Safety Rules regarding <br /> working around heavy equipment that would apply to both the inert and C&D <br /> operations is provided in the IIPP. <br /> APPLIANCE STORAGE: <br /> Figure 3 — Preliminary Site Plan has been amended to show the Appliance <br /> Recycling Area in the northwest corner of the facility. TMR/TS stores metal <br /> appliances at the site and contracts out the removal of mercury switches and <br /> other items to a Certified Appliance Recycler. <br /> The types of appliance accepted at the Appliance Recycling Area would be <br /> classified as "metallic discards" that have special materials that need to be <br /> processed, but not including u-waste or e-waste. Metallic discards have enough <br /> metal to be marketable and contains special materials, such as Freon and <br /> mercury switches, that need to be removed prior to processing. The majority of <br /> metallic discards are kitchen appliances such as stoves, ovens, and refrigerators, <br /> EDGAR&ASSOCIATES, INC. 5 NOVEMBER 6, 2006 <br />