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k4 KLEINFELDER <br /> deposits outcrop along the northeastern flanks of the valley. The valley geomorphology <br /> includes dissected uplands, low alluvial plains and fans, river flood plains and channels, <br /> and overflow lands and lake bottoms. The majority of the native sediments near the <br /> site consist of Miocene to Holocene continental rocks and deposits of a heterogeneous <br /> mixture of generally poorly sorted clay, silt, sand, and gravel. Some beds of claystone, <br /> siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate are also present. <br /> Review of the California Division of Mines and Geology "Geologic Map of the San <br /> Francisco-San Jose Quadrangle," indicates that the site is underlain by Quaternary <br /> alluvial fan deposits of the Modesto Formation. <br /> Based on the San Joaquin County Flood Control District (SJCFCD), Lines of Equal <br /> Elevation and depth to Groundwater Maps, 2003, groundwater in the vicinity of the site <br /> is anticipated to occur at approximately 50 feet below ground surface (bgs). The <br /> regional direction of groundwater flow based on these maps is generally toward the <br /> north. <br /> 67451.WP1/ST06R295/FB:ly Page 3 of 14 <br /> ©2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. March 31,2006 <br />