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5. All trenching within three feet (the vicinity) of the petroleum distribution system shall <br /> be dug by hand. <br /> 6. The contractor shall restore all excavated areas to original conditions. <br /> 7. All construction areas shall be clearly marked with barricades, cones, plates or other <br /> approved safety markers to restrict access and provide a safe work environment for the <br /> contractor and the facilities personnel (includes the public). <br /> 8. The contractor shall warranty all materials and construction for a period of one year. <br /> The contractor at no expense to the consultant or client shall correct all defects. <br /> Equipment failure, not related to the installation, will be covered under manufacture's <br /> warranty. <br /> 9. All work must be conducted during weekday daylight hours unless approved by the <br /> consultant and client. <br /> 3.2 Excavation <br /> 1. All trenching with a potential of being within three feet of the petroleum distribution <br /> system piping and tanks must be hand dug and cleared. <br /> 2. All excavated soil shall be placed on and covered with visqueen (6-millimeter plastic <br /> sheeting) in an area designated by the consultant. The consultant will collect stockpile <br /> soil samples for soil characterization. The consultant will be responsible for disposal of <br /> soil at a client-approved facility. The contractor shall dispose of all construction debris <br /> off-site including any pavement removed during trenching. If contractor mixes <br /> impacted soil and construction debris, the contractor will be financially responsible for <br /> the entire soil disposal cost. <br /> 3_ Where piping is installed below grade, the piping shall be buried in a trench or <br /> excavation at a minimum depth of 124ncises to the top of the piping, unless otherwise <br /> stated. The excavation shall be saw cut to provided a square vertical joint for repaving. <br /> If excavation must amain open after normal work hours, they shall be covered with <br /> traffic rated trench plate capable of supporting typical vehicular traffic for the facility. <br /> Excavations shall not stay open over a weekend. <br /> 4. Process piping trenching and excavations shall be backfilled with imported clean <br /> sandy material from 3-inches below the piping to 34nches top of the piping over which <br /> class II AS backfill material is to be placed. The backfill material (class II AS) shall be <br /> compacted to approximately 92% of relatively dry density. Pavement removed for <br /> trenches or other excavation shall be replaced with new material to match the existing. <br /> The asphalt shall be designed and installed to allow normal facility traffic service. When <br /> resurfacing with concrete a minimum of G-inch thick, 2504-psi reinforced concrete shall <br /> be used. Reinforcing will utilize No. 4 rebar (at a minimum) tied to existing concrete <br /> surface using No. 4 rebar dowels, with 4 inch penetration into existing pad, staggered <br /> every 24-inches. The dowels will be placed at mid-thickness in the existing slab <br /> (minimum of 3-inchs of cover). <br /> 5. The contractor shall contain loose debris end etore construction material on a daily <br /> basis prior to d^w-prarture from the siZe to provide G clean, sero and orderly umrk arem. <br />