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WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS <br /> GOLDEN GATE FRESH FOODS, INC. <br /> dba VICTOR FINE FOODS <br /> INTERIM GROUND WATER CLEANUP <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> 30-Day 7-Day Daily <br /> Constituents Units Average Average Maximum <br /> BOD mg/l 10 20 30 <br /> Suspended Solids mg/l 10 20 30 <br /> DBCP'' Ng/l ND ND <br /> Nondetected ND using a detection limit of 0.5 Ng/l . <br /> 2. The discharge shall not have a pH less than 6.5 nor greater than 8.5. <br /> 3. Survival of test fishes in 96-hour bioassays of undiluted waste shall <br /> be no less than: <br /> Minimum for any one bioassay-------------------------------70% <br /> Median for any three or more consecutive bioassays---------90% <br /> C. Receiving Water Limitations <br /> 1 . The discharge shall not cause the total dissolved solids concentration <br /> in the Mokelumne River to exceed 60 mg/l at any time. <br /> 2. The discharge shall not cause the dissolved oxygen concentration in <br /> the Mokelumne River to fall below 7.0 mg/l . <br /> 3. The discharge shall not cause visible oil , grease, scum, foam, floating <br /> or suspended material in the receiving waters or watercourses. <br /> 4. The discharge shall not cause concentrations of any materials in the <br /> receiving waters which are deleterious to human, animal , aquatic, or <br /> plant life. <br /> 5. The discharge shall not cause aesthetically undesirable discoloration <br /> of the receiving waters. <br /> 6. The discharge shall not cause fungus, slimes, or other objectionable <br /> growths in the receiving waters. <br /> 7. The discharge shall not cause bottom deposits in the receiving waters. <br /> 8. The discharge shall not increase the turbidity of the receiving waters <br /> by more than 10% over background levels. <br />